Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Green Links

Green Links EditorGreen Links is the independent Village Magazine of Cockfield and was awarded the accolade Suffolk Village Newsletter of the Year in 2012. I am proud to be its editor.

With a circulation of 395 copies Green Links is published monthly and regularly runs to 64 pages. It is distributed to households in Cockfield and neighbouring villages by a team of volunteer helpers and a subscription is just £3.00 annually.

Green Links keeps the village in touch with itself and informed of what’s happening as well as advertising local businesses and services.

Green Links Certificate
Green Links Certificate

I am always happy to receive any copy so if you are a resident, a soon to be resident or a previous resident I would be happy to hear from you with your thoughts and feelings on the village.

My deadline for contributions is the 15th of the month – I hope to hear from you soon.

To contact the editor or to submit a contribution please email

Thank you,


Janne Cutting-Keyton

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