Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, November 2019

Residual matters and actions from previous meetings:

Cllr Lindsay to pursue the state of the repairs to the verge opposite Clovelly, Howe Lane with SCC Highways (No update available as Cllr Lindsey was not present)

Cllr Brinkley confirmed that he was still awaiting the estimate for the modification to the Bandstand seating to prevent the accumulation of litter. Cllr Brinkley to chase the Contractor.

Cllr Webster agreed to amend the Parish Council’s Pavilion hire Agreement to acknowledge the Council’s agreement to the Football Club’s Alcohol Licence. The Clerk to provide Cllr Webster with CAME & Co’s advice statement.

Cllr Turner confirmed that following positive feedback from the Football Club about the trial LED light that he had installed at the Pavilion, he has now purchase; further LED fittings to replace all the lights. Action Closed.

Cllr Brinkley confirmed that he was still awaiting the estimate for refurbishing the Parish Council’s noticeboards. Cllr Brinkley to chase the Contractor.

District Cllr Maybury to raise Cllr Levett’s concerns over staffing numbers and lack of training for Health visitors with the Health Committee.

Cllr Levett has liaised with Cllrs Southgate, Williams, Turner, Cutting-Keyton and Morley to facilitate an update to the Asset Register to incorporate an Asset Maintenance Regime.  Cllr Levett will contact Cllr Brinkley to conclude the exercise.

Public Participation Session; Cllr Arthey reported that a number of District Council initiatives were on hold due to the forthcoming Elections, however the Joint Local Plan  Working Group will continue its work on the Plan. Circa 5,500 responses to the JLP have been received and registered on the BMSDC website. Cllr Webster enquired about the weighting given to the JLP by the BMSDC Planning Team during the Consultation Period.  Cllr Arthey advised that it would be given some weight during the Consultation Period.  Cllr Arthey advised that Cockfield’s Tax Base has increased from £388.49 to £421.03 and reminded Cllrs of the Tree for Life and the Free Swims for Children over Xmas Initiatives.

Planning: Applications Received: It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/19/04576: Full Planning Application – Erection of 1No. 1 Bed Bungalow and 2No. 2 Bed Bungalows with parking. Site Adjacent To, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Suffolk. The Parish Council supports this Application. The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal.

DC/19/05387:  Application under Section 73 for removal or variation of a condition following grant of DC/17/03524 and DC/18/02911 (Erection of 5No dwellings dated 28/08/2018. – Remove Condition 1 (Approved Plans and Documents) to allow for adjustment to floor levels and to enable phasing of plots for individual self-build. Hope House, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG. The Parish Council objects to this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

DC/19/05382: Telecommunications Determination – Erection of 1No 9m wooden pole (7.2m above ground) broadband communication.  Green Bungalow, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HT. The Parish Council has no objection to this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal).

DC/19/05284: Application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act. DC/18/00494 without compliance with Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents): to change rear side wall from single to double storey. Cockfield Post Office and Stores, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk. IP30 0HA.  The Parish Council supports this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

DC/19/05458: Planning Application – Erection of a cart lodge. Barn at Little Close, Old Hall Lane, Cockfield Bury St Edmunds Suffolk. The Parish Council has no objection to this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

Planning Decisions notified by BMSDC:

DC/19/03063: Planning Application. Demolition of existing building. Erection of 9no dwellings and creation of a new vehicular access. The Garage, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ. Planning Permission has been Granted.

Parking on Cross Green: Cllr Brinkley confirmed that the parking problem at Cross Green has now been amicably resolved.

Parking on Great Green: Cllr Levett raised concerns about damage to Great Green between the pond and the water pump, caused by vehicles parking during wet conditions.  Cllr Brinkley advised that historically, this had not been a problem, but agreed to remind representatives of the Football Club about not parking when the Green was wet.

Cllr Levett enquired about increasing the number of parking spaces on the Great Green, opposite the Garage site near the Children’s Playground.  Cllr Brinkley advised that if lorries or other large vehicles are parked in the layby, then they obscure the line of site (of oncoming vehicles) for drivers turning left onto the Felsham Rd from Chapel Rd.  It was proposed by Cllr Levett and seconded by Cllr Brinkley that provision be included in the 2020/21 Budget to tidy up and improve the parking bay on the Great Green near the Pavilion. The proposal was carried. The council thanked Mr Hodge as he was able to offer assistance in providing telegraph poles to use as edging around the parking bay.

Working Groups, Representatives to External Bodies;

Pavilion – Cllr Southgate confirmed that the Working Group met at the pavilion on 27/11/19 to review the status of our Insurance claim. It was agreed that Cllr Levett who had experience in this field would lead the action plan to progress the Claim.

Earl’s Meadow – Cllr Williams advised that the Working Group had been clearing shrubbery along the river bank in Earls Meadow in preparation for the proposed tree surgery work.

CemeteryCllr Turner advised that further pruning was required to hedges along the Tunns Field boundary of the cemetery.
Parish Paths – Cllr Turner advised that he had reported complaints to SCC about the condition of the footpath between Clovelly and Chilton House, however they did not propose taking any action.

Highways and Emergencies – Cllr Cutting-Keyton continues to report potholes to SCC Highways and confirmed that the flooding problem at the junction of the A1141 and the A134 had been reported.

Police/Fire – Cllr Cutting-Keyton advised that 3no.thefts /burglaries have been reported in the village (Details are on the Police website).

Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting:

Cllr Turner advised that the Community Council had received correspondence from Bolton Bros (Recycling Contractor) advising that with immediate effect, it would no longer not provide any payment for Cockfield’s Waste Paper and Cardboard collections and in addition, would charge the Parish Council £50.00/tonne to remove Cardboard. Cllr Webster agreed to investigate alternative Recycling Contractors.

Cllrs requested the following Items to be included on the Agenda of the next meeting:

  • Trees for Life (potential locations)
  • Waste paper and Cardboard Collection Alternative Contractors
  • Additional Defibrillators/locations/coverage

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