Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, March 2019

Summary report – Parish Council Meeting, 28 March 2019

Public Participation Session:

Suffolk County Cllr Lindsay highlighted issues from his report (previously circulated), including Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission’s concerns about SCC’s Special Needs Service failing children’s needs and his call for an Independent Review, SCC’s approval of a motion to cut carbon emissions and an update on the missing 30mph speed limit sign.

BMSD Cllr Arthey corrected a minor error in the previously reported BMSDC Council Tax figures and advised that BMSDC were winding down or deferring activities until after the May Elections, which was unfortunately causing problems in certain areas such as planning control. Cllr Arthey confirmed he was standing in the Lavenham Ward District Council Elections.

SCC Meadow and Dis-used Railway Line: Cllr Morley provided a progress update on the land purchase and (on the basis that the Parish Council is dealing with SCC) questioned the need (and expense) for legal searches on the land. Cllr Morley agreed to seek independent advice on this issue from Clarke & Simpson.

Cllr Morley advised that the soil ph levels of the meadow were very low and required a lime application to improve its condition.

 2019 Elections: Clerk confirmed that he delivered seven Cllr nomination forms to the BMSDC Elections team in Sudbury on 15/03/19. Parish Cllrs agreed that due to the restrictions throughout the Purdah period leading up to the Parish and District Cllr Elections, the dates of the April Parish Council Meeting, the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting should be changed. These will now be:

  • April Parish Council Meeting – 8.00pm 17/04/19
  • Annual Parish Council Meeting – 7.30pm 9/05/19
  • Annual Parish Meeting – 7.30pm 30/05/19.


Insurance Renewal 2019:

Cllrs reviewed the Clerk’s Asset Register and proposed Insurance Schedule values to be submitted for renewal purposes and requested the Clerk seek further advice from local authority brokers CAME & Co.

CIL123 Bid Proposals for Round 3: Due to deadline it was considered that there was insufficient time to make any further bids, therefore any potential project applications should look to align with the next Round 4 in October 2019.

Cllr Southgate signed BMSDC’s CIL123 offer agreement for the Culvert renovation on behalf of the Parish Council.

 Litter Problems at the Bus Shelter, Great Green: Cllr Webster raised concerns about the quantity of litter found in the bus shelter.  Cllr Brinkley advised that the volunteer who litter picks the shelter has not been well recently, but agreed to contact her to see if she was able to re-commence the litter picks.

Greens Management: Cllr Morley confirmed that the fertilization and harrowing treatments to the Great Green approved at the last meeting have been scheduled for1/04/19. Cllr Williams advised that it was time for the first trim to the edges of the green.

Cllr Ruffell agreed to lead the organisation for the official commissioning ceremony of the Village Sign.

Local Needs Housing: Cllr Morley advised that the SCC land for the MacKenzie Place development had now been transferred to Orwell Housing.

 Pavilion: Cllr Southgate confirmed that he checked from the necessary standards and building regulations the ‘fire limit’ as 80 people for the Pavilion. Cllr Southgate asked the Clerk to liaise with the football club representative to enable the hot water system in readiness for the Legionella Assessment.

Cllr Williams advised that the white railing around the Pavilion need repainting and Cllr Turner was asked to obtain quotes from painting contractors to undertake the work.

 SALC: Cllr Cutting-Keyton had attended the Town and Parish Liaison Meeting where she was advised that despite cuts in Government funding, BMSDC pledged no cuts to services. BMSDC were confident of their 6.5 years land supply.

 Earls Meadow: Cllr Williams advised that a tree planting ceremony had been held in the new SCC meadow in tribute to Paul Brinkley’s lengthy service to the Community Council.

Cllr Williams was donating a ride-on mower to help manage Earls Meadow, Bruffs Line and the new SCC Meadow.

 Cemetery: Cllr Turner had audited and updated the Cemetery Records. Cllr Turner had produced a new Cemetery Plan, a consolidated set of Rules and proposed a new Schedule of Charges.

Parish Paths: Cllr Williams advised that he would replace the support post to the handrail on the steps leading from the Earls Hall road bridge down to the meadow in time for the Easter Duck Race. It was noted that SCC had not again responded so we have actioned this ourselves for safety reasons.

Highways and Emergencies: Cllr Cutting-Keyton thanked all volunteers involved in the ‘Clean-Up Cockfield’ Litter Pick campaign and asked the Clerk to thank Mr Hodge for the facilities of Cockfield Hall.

Cllr Cutting-Keyton had undertaken a Condition report of the Bus Shelter at Mill Corner and identified a number of problems. The Clerk was asked to canvass Mr Hodge who had provided the structures and supported us historically, if he would be willing to facilitate repairs.

Cllr Brinkley was asked to liaise with our verge cutting Contractor to understand his investment plans for better cutting equipment and likely charges, before the Parish Council commits to this year’s verge cutting programme.

We have since noted that Cockfield village is only due for one SCC cut this year on 10th July. The A1141 has two scheduled 13th May and 5th August.

 Play Equipment: Cllr Brinkley agreed to investigate the condition of the chain used on the play equipment.  The Clerk was asked to forward a copy of his letter (asking Suffolk Highways to re-locate the new Playground sign that had been installed in the wrong position), to SCC Cllr Lindsay so that he can chase Highways on this matter.

 Cllr Cutting-Keyton noted that two of the Parish Council webpages required updating.  Cllr Cutting-Keyton and the Clerk agreed to update the pages.


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