Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report July 2021

Summary report on the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 29 July 2021

Please note: ‘To obtain a copy of the full formal minutes of this meeting, please email the Parish Clerk,

Outstanding / on-going actions from previous meetings:

Telephone Kiosks; Following Cllr Turner’s update in June that the cost of re-siting the Parish Council owned telephone kiosk from outside the Post Office to the corner of the Great Green was prohibitive and not without risk of damage to the kiosk, Cllr Turner agreed to submit a costed proposal to the August meeting for an alternative housing for the defibrillator at Great Green.

Turfing at Great Green; Cllr Brinkley advised that he has deferred until the Autumn, the purchase of 200m2 of turf to repair the area around the Adventure Playground, Great Green and is monitoring the rate of grass regrowth which may avoid the need for turfing.

Public Participation; The Clerk has reported the missing Cockfield sign (at the A1141 approach to Stow Hill, Cockfield from the Lavenham direction) to SCC on their website and is awaiting a response.

Bandstand; In Cllr Morley’s absence, there was no progress update on the acquisition of a quotation for cleaning and painting the inside and the outside of the Bandstand, Great Green. Cllr Morley to provide update at the August meeting.

SCC School Bus Service; Cllr Southgate has written to Rachel Hood, SCC Cabinet Member for Schools, challenging the School Bus Policy and its impact on Cockfield residents and is awaiting a response.

Pavilion Balustrade; The Clerk had obtained one quotation to repair the Pavilion Balustrade, but two other contractors had declined to quote. The Clerk is awaiting a meeting with a 4th Contractor and Cllr Morley was also seeking a quote. An update will be provided to the August meeting.

Pavilion Hire (football club grant); Cllr Golding to advise the Clerk, who the letter should be addressed to its content and the Clerk will draft a letter for the Chairman to sign, confirming a long-term commitment from the Parish Council to a hire agreement of the Pavilion by Cockfield United.

Glebe Land; Cllr Morley & Cllr Webster met at the allotments to consider the siting of new gates and entrance widening options onto the A1141 and will be seeking quotations for gates and fencing.

Asset Volunteers; Due to the absence of 3 Cllrs, the action for Cllrs to consider volunteering to assume responsibility for Assets on the Maintenance Register previously allocated to ex-Cllr Williams, was deferred until the August meeting.

Local Needs Housing; Posters advertising Orwell Housing opportunities at Jeffrey’s Green produced by Cllr Cutting-Keyton have been posted on the PC Notice boards by the Clerk.

Highways and Emergencies; The Clerk wrote to Paul West, the new SCC Cabinet Member responsible for SCC Highways, complaining about their delay in verge cutting and lack of pavement maintenance along the A1141. SCC Highways have agreed to skirt the pavements from Stow Hill to the Windsor Green turning, but maintain that they had cut the C & U Road verges in June. However, the grass has not been cut since May when the PC’s contractor last cut it.

Public Participation Session:

In Suffolk County Cllr’s absence, there was no update provided.

In District Cllr Maybury’s and District Cllr Arthey’s absence, there was no update provided.

There were no issues raised by members of the public.             .

Planning Applications Received - It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council for consultation;

DC/21/03681: Application for Outline Planning Permission (all matters reserved) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Erection of 8 No self-build dwellings (re-submission of part of Hybrid Application approved under DC/17/05332). Land Adjacent To, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, The Parish Council Supports this Application.

DC/21/03719: Application under S73a for removal or variation of a condition following approval of DC/19/02020 dated 18/09/2019. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Reserved Matters for 10 No dwellings. Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans & Documents) - Amendment to positions of Plots 05, 06 and 07 including addition of single garage to Plot 06 and double garage to Plot 07 (as approved under Outline Application DC/19/04755). Additionally, change of surface material for the proposed driveways and change of fencing. Details as per drawing DAPA_1431_400_00. Land to the West of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Suffolk. The Parish Council Objects to the proposed surface material and fencing changes and surface water drainage solution, Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be found on the BMSDC Planning Website.

DC/21/00279: Submission of details for reserved matters following approval of DC/18/00474 and subsequent DC/20/04440 for the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of Plot 1. (Phased development for the erection of 3 No dwellings). Location: Land at Bury Road, Cross Green, Cockfield, IP30 0LG. The Parish Council Supports this Application.

DC/21/03817: Application under S73 for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission DC/21/02621 dated 16/06/2021. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To vary Conditions 4 (Written Scheme of Archaeology) 5 (Archaeology Timetable) 7 (Operating Hours) and vary Condition 11 (Surface Water Management). Corner Farm, Lawshall Road, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0JP. The Parish Council has No Comments on this Application.

DC/20/04886: Appeal Reference: APP/D3505/W/21/3269479 Appeal by: R East & J Sadler Proposal: Full Planning Application - Change of use of public house to residential dwelling. Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ. The Parish Council objected to the original Change of Use Application and Objects to the Appeal. Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s Website. Cllrs agreed that the Parish Council should apply to register the Plough and Fleece as an Asset of Community Value (ACV)

DC/21/03753: Application for Listed Building Consent - Remove areas of cement and masonry paint from external render, repair with lime plaster and redecorate with limewash. Installation of 2no. cast iron vents and 1no. vented pantile. Internal and external repairs and alterations as detailed in the Schedule of Works and Heritage Statement. The Abbey Cottage, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0LY The Parish Council Supports this Application.

DC/21/04061: Householder Planning Application - Erection of a two-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage: Vine Cottage, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HE. The Parish Council Supports this Application.

Plan Decisions Received fom BMSDC;

DC/21/03113: Non-Material Amendment to DC/18/00306 and DC/19/02020 - Amendment to positions of Plots 05, 06 and 07 (as approved under Outline Application DC/19/04755).  Land to the West of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HJ Decision: Non-Material Amendment was Refused.

DC/21/03177: Notification for works to trees in a Conservation Area - Remove approximately 14no Conifer trees (Forming Hedge) and Replant with Laurel Candleford House, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG.  Decision: BMSDC do not wish to object.

DC/21/03129: Householder Planning Application - Erection of a first floor extension over existing single storey side extension and replacement of existing conservatory with single storey rear extension Jaydam House, 8 Great Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HQ.  Decision: Planning Permission has been Granted.

DC/21/03496: Application for works to a tree/s in a Conservation Area - Prune back 1No Acacia tree(T1) large branch overhanging the patio to an appropriate growing point. Prune back 1No Acacia tree (T2), overhanging branch over the garage to an appropriate growing point. Removing any dead branches on both trees. Sketch plan 1 Hope House, Cross Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0LG. Decision: BMSDC do not wish to object.

Finance; It was agreed to accept a quotation of £300.00 for the supply and installation of second hand 4-rail cattle fencing to sides of bridge in Jeffrey’s Green + a contingency of £200.00 for additional works.  This would then complete the refurbishment works.

Cockfield Emergency Plan; It was agreed that the Cockfield Emergency Plan (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting) was adopted. The proposal was carried. Cllr Southgate thanked Cllr Webster for all his work in updating and re-issuing the Plan.

Neighbourhood CIL; In Cllr Morley’s absence, the update on the Feasibility of the new Bus Shelter at Mackenzie Place was deferred until the August meeting.

Speed Awareness Proposals; It was agreed that PC purchase and install 2 No. SID mounting posts and Playground and speed limit signage, along with 2 No. Children’s Playground signs and support posts at the Great Green at a cost not to exceed £500.00.

It was agreed to consider the proposal to purchase an additional SID at a cost of approximately £3,200.00 using Neighbourhood CIL funding. The Clerk was asked to check that the purchase was permitted under CIL Rules. Further to check the CIL budget availability along with other potential CIL expenditure and report at the August meeting.

Queens Platinum Celebrations; Cllr Cutting-Keyton advised Cllrs that the Queens Platinum Celebrations would be held in June 2022.  Given the success although hard work on the previous 2012 event, it was proposed by Cllr Brinkley and seconded by Cllr Southgate that Cllr Cutting-Keyton should explore the feasibility of a larger village celebration. Cllr Cutting-Keyton agreed to set up a multi-group Village working party.

Pavilion Update; The Clerk updated Cllrs on the completion of the refurbishment work and of the outstanding snagging items, which he will pursue with the contractor.

Parish Council Vacancy; The Clerk advised that BMSDC had confirmed that the Parish Council are free to co-opt to fill the Cllr vacancy.  Cllr Southgate had drafted an advert for publication in Green Links and on the Village website. The Parish Council will consider any responses received at the September meeting.

Pedestrian Footpath/Verge Cutting 2021 & 2022; It was agreed that in the absence of any cutting by SCC, the PC instructs its contractor to urgently cut the verges on Cockfield’s C & U roads for safety reasons at a cost of £400.00 + VAT.

The Clerk confirmed that he will include 3 No. PC Verge grass cuts in the 2022/23 Budget and Precept.

Maintenance Schedule and Asset Management;

Maintenance Calendar (Full review, February, June, October only)

Cllr Southgate asked for lead Cllr volunteers for all ex-Cllr Williams’ assets. Cllrs agreed to consider and respond before the next meeting.

Maintenance Matters by exception;
Glebe Land: Cllr Webster to provide costed fencing proposal for the August meeting.

Cemetery; Cllr Turner advised that a solution had been reached to minimise problems with grass cutting covering certain graves. Cllr Turner asked that Cllr Morley (Tree Warden) visit the cemetery and advise whether the tree growing up to the power cables should be reduced in height.

Village Hall Car Park; Cllr Cutting-Keyton asked whether the hedges around the Village Hall car park and in front of the entrance could be trimmed. The Clerk agreed to check hedge cutting dates with our contractor.

Third Party Liaison; Police/Fire: Cllr Cutting-Keyton confirmed that the ‘Design Out Crime’ Officer’s report had been received and circulated to Cllrs. Further discussion required before any action is taken.

Correspondence; BMSDC had written to residents asking them to complete the on-line Annual Canvas of Electors 2021 questionnaire.

Cllr Morley had drafted a Letter of Thanks for the Clerk to send to the retiring Head of Thurston Community College.

Several emails received complaining about grass cuttings on cemetery memorials and plinths. Cllr Turner and the Clerk had spoken with our contractor and a solution identified.

A letter of complaint about SCC’s lack of pavement maintenance resulting in a trip and fall to a resident, was received, and forwarded to the SCC Cabinet Member for Highways.

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