Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, 26 March 2020

The Parish Council are currently operating in accordance with Government / National Association of Local Councils Guidance on social distancing and group gathering. The Parish Council are therefore mandated to continue operating and hold “virtual meetings”.

The Clerk has prepared detailed notes relating to this process which are publicised on the village web site.

The members convened a “Skype” conference call with reasonable success given some members were new to the format, technology and had connectivity limitations.

The aim going forward is to run the standard agenda but to focus on matters requiring actions or decisions.

Outstanding Actions from previous meetings:

 A number of asset maintenance matters were pending although were to be progressed subject to limitations on or the availability of contractors.

The Clerk had yet not been able to obtain quotations for Grounds Management at the Great Green.  It was agreed that the contract for Grounds Management at Great Green be renewed with the existing Contractor Vertas Group Ltd for 2020, and the Clerk was instructed to obtain competitive quotations in advance of placing the contract in 2021. The proposal was carried.

Public Participation Session:

No County Cllr or District Cllr written reports were received prior to the meeting. Cllr Arthey advised that all BMSDC meetings were cancelled, however they are exploring alternative ‘virtual’ formats.

Cllr Arthey advised that because of the impact of Coronavirus on driver numbers, BMSDC had decided to cancel Brown Bin collections, to enable Blue and Black Bin collections to continue.

The Recycling centre in Bury St Edmunds had also closed.

Planning Applications Received: It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/20/00270:  Application under 73 for removal or variation of a condition relating to B/16/01157 (Conversion of kennel block to single-storey dwelling, including erection of porch and chimney and construction of link between kennel buildings. Erection of double garage & store room, following removal of existing cattery, sheds and outbuildings) allowed on appeal APP/D3505/W/17/3170002 - To vary condition 5 (Approved Plans & Documents) - Additional erection two storey extension: Roundwood House, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY.  Notice that the Application has been Withdrawn.

 DC/20/01063:  Application to Determination if prior approval is required for a proposed: Erection, Extension or alteration of a building for Agricultural or Forestry Use. Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development (England) Order 2015 (as amended) Schedule 2, Part 6 - Erection of a steel framed building with five 20ft bays with a juniper green box profile roof and cladding to eves on gable ends: Perrydown Farm, Perrydown Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0ND (Consultation Deadline: 17/03/20). Note: The Clerk has agreed with BMSDC that a Consultation Response is not required from the Parish Council.

 Cllr Southgate’s Draft of the Parish Council’s verbal submission to the BMSDC Planning Committee (date to be confirmed) was approved relating to DC/19/04755: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered all other matters reserved) - Erection of up to 28no. dwellings (Plots 5, 6 and 7 of Reserved Matters Permission DC/19/02020 to be repositioned / amended). Land to The Rear of Plough and Fleece Inn Great Green Cockfield Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ, be approved and that Cllr Morley will present it on behalf of the Parish Council should there be a physical meeting.

 Decisions Received:

 AGRICULTURAL DETERMINATION - DC/20/01063: Application to Determination if prior approval is required for a proposed: Erection, Extension or alteration of a building for Agricultural or Forestry Use. Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development (England) Order 2015 (as amended) Schedule 2, Part 6 - Erection of a steel framed building with five 20ft bays with a juniper green box profile roof and cladding to eves on gable ends: Perrydown Farm, Perrydown Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0ND. Decision: formal approval of the details of the proposed development is not required.


 It was noted Cockfield Football Club had provided the balance of the Annual Pavilion Hire Payment - £300.00.

It was agreed that a 2 Year Fixed Term Agreement be signed with Octopus Energy for the supply of Electricity at the Pavilion.

It was agreed that the Great Green edge cutting services contract at the Great Green for 2020, be renewed with S Shepherd & Son (Prices fixed at 2019 price levels at £60+VAT per cut).

It was agreed that the Grass Cutting Services Contract on approximately 18km of Village Verges for 2020, be renewed with S Shepherd & Son (Prices fixed at 2019 price levels at £425+VAT per cut).

 It was agreed that a contract be placed with Colin Walters, Rockwood Services, to Harrow and Re-seed the Great Green for £100.00 + £20.00 VAT.  The proposal was carried.

It was agreed that Cllr Southgate be authorised to sign the BMSDC Acceptance Letter in respect of the Parish Council’s approved CIL123 Bid for £25,000 towards the Adventure Playground, Great Green.

It was agreed the Clerk in conjunction with Cllr Morley and Cllr Cutting-Keyton, undertake further discussions with the Parish Council’s preferred Contractor (Action Play and Leisure Ltd), to determine timeframes, payment terms and review final scope of scheme and levels and type of proposed equipment supplied to ensure it covers a wider age range. An updated proposal for the Children’s Adventure Playground will be submitted to a subsequent Parish Council meeting. The proposal was carried.

 Pavilion Update:

Cllr Levett confirmed the financial position regarding the Parish Council’s liability for excess payments. It was proposed by Cllr Levett and seconded by Cllr Cutting-Keyton that the Clerk be instructed to pay £210.85 to the Drainage Contractors (CET Structures Ltd). The proposal was carried.


It was noted that in accordance with the Government’s latest instructions the Clerk had cancelled the Annual Parish Meeting on 16/04/20 (to be re-arranged at a later date) and the Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) on 30/04/20 (to be re-arranged at a later date). The MacKenzie Place Housing Development Information Meeting on 07/04/20 had also been cancelled.                                                                         

As a result of the success of tonight’s Skype meeting, the Parish Council agreed that future Parish Council Meetings be conducted by Skype, or other similar process.                                                                                                                                                

It was agreed that there is no immediate need for Cllrs to delegate any additional authority to the Clerk or Chairman to take day to day decisions on behalf of the Parish Council.

It was agreed that there is no immediate need for Cllrs to Pre-Authorise the Schedule of Regular Payments to staff, suppliers and contractors. Cllr Southgate and Cllr Morley will continue as signatories and be authorised to sign cheques outside of meetings.  The Clerk is submitting requests to Barclays for Mandate changes to increase the number of Cllrs authorised to be signatories on the Account.  This will be in place within 2 weeks.

It was agreed that there is no immediate need for Cllrs to delegate any additional authority to the Cllr to prepare Planning Consultation Responses on behalf of the Parish Council.

Assistance for Residents: Cllr Levett explained the joint Parish Council, Community Council, WI and Church initiative to support residents.  Cllr Levett thanked Neil Ashton for co-ordinating the efforts and issuing the Community Broadcasts and updating the website.  Cllr Cutting-Keyton raised concerns that the current Coronavirus problems had highlighted the urgency for a Village Emergency Co-ordinator and requested all to renew efforts to help fill the vacancy.


Following the Coronavirus advice from SALC, it was agreed that the Parish Council should close the Children’s Playground on the Great Green. Cllr Williams to be requested to erect notices advising of the closure.  The Clerk was asked to draft a Playground Closure notice for a Community Broadcast and the Village Website.

Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council:

Cllr Cutting-Keyton expressed thanks on behalf of the Parish Council for the efforts of all the volunteers involved in the Clean Up Cockfield Litter pick and to David Hodge for hosting the event.  Cllr Cutting-Keyton advised that new litter picking equipment (pickers and hi-viz) may need to be purchased next year.

Cllr Cutting-Keyton expressed thanks to Jackie Levett for the various support she had provided to the village in recent times.

Cllr Cutting-Keyton advised that VE75 Day Celebration in May had been postponed nationally, but it hoped that it will be amalgamated with the VJ Day Celebrations on 15/16th August.

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