Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

‘Nottingham Knockers’ working in our area

Suffolk Trading Standards are warning residents to be mindful of so-called ‘Nottingham Knockers’ working in the area.

We have recently become aware that a group of young salesmen, dubbed the ‘Nottingham Knockers’, have returned to our part of the Country.

Named after a scam originating in Nottingham, young people travel across the UK targeting a town at a time.

They knock at doors and claim to be ex-convicts attempting to mend their ways, before trying to sell the householder everyday household products at very high prices.

Trading Standards always advise residents to refrain from buying at the doorstep and not to buckle to pressure from salespeople offering supposedly one-off ‘buy it now’ low prices.

These Nottingham Knockers work in groups across the country but they are not involved in any officially recognised offender rehabilitation programme and many do not possess Pedlar’s Certificates, which are issued by police and are necessary for salespeople to be legally allowed to sell door-to-door.

If any salesperson comes to your door, we’d suggest you ask to see their Pedlar’s certificate – these are only issued to individuals under very strict conditions. You can contact the police station it was issued at in order to prove if it’s genuine.

If a Nottingham Knocker visits you, please inform police on 101 and/or report it to Trading Standards on 08454 040506.

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