Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Meeting Report, Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 14 November 2019

The members noted a number of items carried from the last meeting and their progress;

The Clerk has reviewed the extent of the repairs carried out by SCC Highways and has issued a report and photos to SC Cllr Lindsay.  Cllr Lindsay to pursue with SCC Highways to improve and complete the works.

Cllr Brinkley has discussed the scope of the potential modification required to the underside of the seats in the Bandstand (to prevent the accumulation of litter) with a local contractor. Cllr Brinkley to provide an update on 28/11/19.

The Clerk has written to the Parish Council’s Insurance Brokers, advising them of the Pavilion’s change of use and has provided details of the Football Club’s Alcohol Licence and is awaiting confirmation of Insurance implications.

Cllr Brinkley is seeking a quotation to refurbish the Parish Council’s noticeboards and will provide an update on 28/11/19.

Cllr Levett has provided details of his concerns over staffing numbers and lack of training for Health visitors to District Cllr Maybury.  District Cllr Maybury to pursue with Health Committee.

The Clerk has updated Financial Regulations, as agreed Minute 2019/149.3, Action Closed.

Cllr Levett has liaised with Cllrs Southgate, Williams, Turner and Cutting-Keyton to facilitate an update to the Asset Register to incorporate an Asset Maintenance Regime.  Cllr Levett will contact Cllrs Morley and Brinkley to conclude the exercise.

Cllr Southgate has provided the information required in the Improvement Notice relating to the Pavilion water supply to Anglian Water Action Closed.

Cllr Morley has liaised with Orwell Housing over potential names for the new housing development adjacent to Mackenzie Place.  Orwell Housing will discuss options with BMSDC, who will initiate formal discussions with Cockfield Parish Council.

Cllr Morley has instructed a Contractor to undertake tree surgery works at Earls Meadow.  This will be undertaken when the weather permits.

Planning Applications Received: It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/19/03826: Full Planning Application – Change of use from all residential (C3) to mixed use part residential and business of boarding dogs (sui generis). Gambrel, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 0HE. The Parish Council neither support or object to the application. Given the complex circumstances involved will rely on the authority to determine this situation.

DC/19/04966: Proposal: Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Dwelling house (Use Class C3) and for Associated Operational Development – Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order1995 (As amended). Barn at Earls Hall Farm, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, IP30 0JD. The Parish Council Supports this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

DC/19/05131: Householder Planning Application – Erection of first floor rear extension with balcony. Erection of single storey side and rear extensions to garage. Clovelly, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 0HA. The Parish Council has no objection to this Application. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

Decisions Received:

DC/19/04367: Submission of details under Outline Planning Permission DC/18/00474 – Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for Erection of up to 3 No. dwellings and construction of vehicular access; Discharge of Condition 3 (Reserved Matters), Condition 5 (Landscape Protection), Condition 8 (Access), Condition 9 (Visibility Splays), Condition 11 (Surface Water Discharge), Condition 12 (Provision of Parking and Turning). Plot 1 Land At Bury Road, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 0LG Reserved Matters Have Been Refused.

DC/19/04800: Notification of works to trees within a Conservation Area – T1 – (Willow Tree) – Pollard to previous pruning points. Willow Cottage, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 0LG. Consent has been Granted.




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