Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting

August 24, 2023 @ 19:30
Cockfield Village Hall
Steve Ball, Parish Clerk

Members of the Council:

You are hereby summoned to the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 24 August 2023 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.

Members of the public:

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may address the Council, during the Public Participation Session, Item 5 on the agenda.

Reporting on Meetings

Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person is normally able to film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions.


1.. To receive any apologies for absence.

2. To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3. To approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 27 July 2023.

4. To review progress on all outstanding actions from minutes of previous meetings.

2021/189: BMSDC Public Realm Land: SCC Legal have commenced the formal legal process to recover land and realign the fence at the junction of Dukes Meadow.

2021/194: Local Needs Housing: The Clerk has re-submitted the application for ‘Granting of a new right of common and application for registration of a right in the commons register’, to SCC after they had mislaid the original submission and has chased them twice in June and twice in July for a response but has not yet received an update.

2022/178: Pavilion Bandstand: The Clerk has received a verbal quotation from one Contractor for a new handrail but is awaiting the formal estimate and design. A second Contractor will provide a design and quotation before the September PC Meeting.

2022/184.1: Reduced Speed Limits: SC Cllr Robert Lindsay has received a negative response from SCC Highways regarding the possibility of a lower speed limit on the A1141 between The Abbey and the Windmill. The Clerk to prepare the Parish Council’s argument before the next Ordinary Parish Council meeting for submission to SC Cllrs Robert Lindsay and Paul West, Cabinet Member for Highways, seeking a meeting on site to discuss proposals.

2023/007.1: Parish Council Investments: SALC have confirmed that the PC would not be liable to pay any tax on investment interest. Cllr Levett to investigate PC bank savings account options for PC reserves.

2023/011.9: Other Assets: The Clerk to submit a report to SCC Highway requesting that they undertake verge cutting in Windsor Green and at Loft Corner in accordance with their cutting schedule.

2023/071.2: Annual Play Equipment Safety Inspection: The Clerk has instructed David Bracey Play Inspections to carry out the Annual Inspection in September, with Cllrs Morley and Knight in attendance.

2023/074: Public Attendance at PC Meetings: Approved Rules for Public attendance at PC Meetings to be published on the Website.

2023/075: Pavilion: A payment to be made to Mr E Evans in thanks for his assistance with the Pavilion Changing Room floor modifications.

2023/076: Suffolk County Council Land (Behind Crowbrook Place): The Clerk to instruct the PC’s solicitor to undertake the LA & Environmental Searches. Cllr Morley & the Clerk to meet BMSDC on site to discuss fly-tipping removal and boundary security requirements.

2023/077: Community Council Request: The Clerk to advise Julie Goodsman (Chair of the CC), to discuss the CC’s requirements with Cllr Golding at the Pavilion.

2023/078.2.1: Greens Management: Cllrs Brinkley and Golding to relocate the redundant picnic table from the Play area to an area near the pond.
Cllr Morley to ask Stuart Bradnam to proceed with the necessary tree surgery at the Great Green.

2023/078.2.5: Playground: The Clerk to ask Anthonet Creasy to turn over and loosen the tree bark around the play equipment.

2023/078.2.9: Other Assets: Cllr Baber to revarnish the PC Noticeboard at Great Green.

2023/080: Neighbourhood CIL: The Clerk to advise the resident about the PC’s decision not to install any additional bins at Crowbrook Place.

5. Public Participation Session: (25 minutes).

5.1 Suffolk County Councillor Report (5 Minutes)
5.2 Babergh District Councillor Reports (5 Minutes)
5.3 Public comments (15 Minutes)

6. Planning:

6.1 To consider any applications received which have been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/23/03315: Householder Application – Erection of summer house, fencing and installation of an oil tank (retention of). The Abbey Cottage, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY (Consultation Response Deadline:16th August 2023, Extended until 25th August 2023).

DC/23/03374: Full Planning Application – Change of use and conversion of existing curtilage listed barn/outbuilding to music studio/home office for use ancillary to main dwelling. Addition of insulation, insertion of glazed doors behind the existing timber barn doors, insertion of two new skylights to the rear elevation, creation of a new mezzanine floor. Location: Buttons Green Farm, Buttons Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JF. (Consultation Response Deadline: 7th September 2023).

DC/23/03375: Application for Listed building Consent – Change of use and conversion of existing curtilage listed barn/outbuilding to music studio/home office for use ancillary to main dwelling. Addition of insulation, insertion of glazed doors behind the existing timber barn doors, insertion of two new skylights to the rear elevation, creation of a new mezzanine floor to 1/3rd of the floor area. Buttons Green Farm, Buttons Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JF. (Consultation Response Deadline: 7th September 2023).

DC/23/03892: Application under S73 for the Removal or Variation of a Conditioin following grant of planning permission DC/20/0002670 dated 03/07/2020 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) – Erection of 1 No.dwelling (following demolition of semi-detached dwelling and outbuildings) To vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents), Remove Conditions 3 (Starwood Cottage/Wall) and 8 (Parking and Manoeuvring) both now discharged; Reword Conditions 4 (Ecology) and 7 (Bin Storage) as per details submitted. Lane End, Colchester Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP30 0HG. (Consultation Response Deadline: 8th September 2023).

6.2 To note any Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received:

DC/23/02168: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/21/04375 – Condition 3 (Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy), Condition 4 (Parking and EV Charging Points) and Condition 5 (Construction Management Plan). Earls Hall Farmhouse, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JD. (Decision: Conditions Approved).

DC/23/01885: Application for Listed Building Consent – Repair of windows and external woodwork as detailed in the Heritage Statement. Stows Hill House, Stows Hill, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JB (Decision: Listed Building Consent has been Granted).

7. Finance:

7.1 To authorise Payments as presented and to note Income received.

8. Third Party Liaison:
By Exception, to receive any reports from lead members on matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Council and to take actions appropriate:
8.1 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Cllr Knight
8.2 Highways and Emergencies – Cllr Cutting-Keyton
8.3 Police/Fire – Cllr Cutting-Keyton.

9. Parish Council Mission Statement:
To adopt the proposed Parish Council Mission Statement (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).

10. D-Day 80 – 6th June 2024:
Cllr Cutting-Keyton to update Cllrs on D-Day 80 Event details.

11. Updates on Neighbourhood CIL Projects:

11.1 Childrens Play Equipment – Cllrs R Morley/N Knight

11.2 Allotments
11.2.1 Water Supply – Cllr Morley
11.2.2 Allotment holders plot allocation – Cllr Fletcher

12. Emergency Plan:
To approve and adopt the revised Emergency Plan (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).

13. Correspondence:
To consider the list of correspondence received and to agree any appropriate actions.
Email 30/07/23: PC 1594 Kim Spraggons (Sudbury police link officer) requesting
PC contact details. Clerk updated.
Email 31/07/23: Sara Cameron (Corporate Manager, Strategic Property BMSDC)
Response to PC email on Old Stone Pit security & fly-tipping. Meeting arranged on
Email 31/07/23: Matthew Lee (County Farms Management Officer) seeking
agreement to Heads of Terms. Clerk responded with list of queries.
Emails 31/07/23, 01/08/23, 09/08/23, 10/08/23 & 11/08/23: Resident’s complaints
about overgrown footpaths and and behind Jeffreys Green development. Clerk
Email 02/08/23: Simon Lanning (Communities Officer, BMSDC) advising about
availability of Government’s Community Ownership Fund (Match funding) for
organisations seeking to purchase ACV’s. Clerk circulated to Cllrs.
Email 02/08/23: Paul Bryant (Neighbourhood Planning Officer BMSDC) inviting
PC to consult on Lawshall NP Review 2021-37. Clerk circulated to Cllrs.
Email 03/08/23: Anonymous resident complaint against developer breaches of
Conditions. Clerk referred resident to BMSDC Planning team.
Emails 07/08/23 & 08/08/23: Cemetery enquiries from resident. Resolved by Cllr
Email 09/08/23: Octopus Energy update on meter request.
Email 10/08/23: David Bracey confirmation of Play Equipment Safety Inspection
date. Clerk forwarded to Cllrs Morley and Knight.
Email 14/08/23: Sally Longmate Response to Enquiry SALC Ref: EN3967).
Circulated to Cllrs Levett and Fletcher.
Email 17/08/23: Chloe Mealor (AWA) providing update on planned water connection to allotments. Clerk to liaise with PC Contractor.
Emails 17/08/23: Complaints from resident about weeds on land behind their property. Clerk referred then to SCC.
Email 18/08/23: Paul Clover (BSCDC Cllr) update on fly-tipping notices.
Email 18/08/23: SCC Highways notification that Grit Bin replenishment programme has commenced. Clerk forwarded to Cllr Cutting-Keyton.
Email 18/08/23: Allotment Society August Newsletter issued. Clerk circulated to Cllrs Levett, Fletcher & Morley.

14. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.

Community led Planning for Places Initiative update from Elizabeth Ling (BMSDC) (Deferred until September meeting as Legislation won’t be fully understood until August).

Approval and adoption of amendments to Standing Orders & Financial Regulations

15. Next Meetings:

The next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 28th September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Subsequent Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on 19th October (Note: this is a week earlier than usual) and 30th November 2023, 25th January, 29th February & 28th March 2024.

Parish Clerk: Steve Ball, Proper Officer of the Council
Address: Green Ridge, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HA
Tel: 01284 828987
Published: 18th August 2023

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