1. Welcome and introduction by the Chairman of Cockfield Parish Council.
2. To note any apologies for absence.
3. To approve the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 30 April 2015.
4. County Councillor Report – Cllr Jenny Antill.
5. District Councillor Report – Cllr Clive Arthey.
6. Local Area Co-ordinator Report – Cally Boardman.
7. Parish Council Report – Cllr Derek Southgate, Chairman.
8. Village Organisations and Activities
A key opportunity for the various organisations and groups which serve the community, and those who represent the village, to provide brief reports on their activities in the last 12 months and their future plans, including:
8.1 Community Council Rodney Williams
8.2 Village Hall Management Committee Janne Cutting-Keyton
8.3 Community Land/Allotments Cllr Robin Morley
8.4 CEVC Primary School Trudie Harkin
8.5 Catey Pre-School Dick Bayes
8.6 St Peter’s Church Revd Sharon Potter
8.7 Women’s Institute Morag Kelly
8.8 Web Site Neil Ashton
8.9 “Green Links” Janne Cutting-Keyton
The above is correct at the time of publishing this agenda. Others have been invited and may yet come forward – if so, they will be added on the night.
9. Open Forum
To raise any matters relating to Cockfield which residents wish to highlight
Cllr Derek Southgate
Chairman, Cockfield Parish Council
Published: 05 May 2016
PRESENT: Derek Southgate (Chairman), Barbara Ruffell, Janne Cutting-Keyton, Robin Morley, Ralph Turner, Rodney Williams, Rod Portwood and Clerk Alan Morgan.
County Councillor Jenny Antill, District Councillor Clive Arthey, Mrs Trudie Harkin (Head Cockfield School), Tony Box (United Charities), Dick Bayes ( Catey and Congregational Church),Rev. Sharon Potter (St Peters Church), Joe Brinkley (Football Club), Neil Ashton (Cockfield Computer Circle and Web-Site), P.C. Gary Austin, David Hodge and 11 members of the public.
1.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Were received from Carl Brinkley, Paul Heather, Andrew Golding, Gillian Hodge, Morag Kelly and Doug Reed.
- MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: Were read and approved by proposal from Janne Cutting-Keyton, seconded by Tony Box.
- MATTERS ARISING: David Hodge was once again disappointed with the lack of co-ordination with Police incident information and Cockfield E.Vine.
- PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMANS ANNUAL REPORT: Derek Southgate gave the annual report (Written copy attached).
P.C. Gary Austin arrived at this point and the chairman agreed to bring his report forward to enable him to attend other meetings:
P.C. Gary Austin gave the annual police report and answered questions on burglaries, police presence at meetings and the e.vine issue with David Hodge. His report concluded PC Austin left the meeting. (Written copy to follow).
- COUNTY COUNCILLORS ANNUAL REPORT: Jenny Antill gave her annual report and answered questions on reserves, sheltered housing and shared services (written copy attached) her report concluded Jenny Antill left the meeting.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLORS ANNUAL REPORT: Clive Arthey gave his annual report and answered questions on housing (written copy attached).
- ANNUAL POLICE REPORT: Taken earlier.
The Chairman allowed Joe Brinkley to give the annual report of the football club at this point to allow him to leave to attend work.
Joe Brinkley gave the annual report for the football club (written copy attached)
- UNITED CHARITIES OF COCKFIELD ANNUAL REPORT: Tony Box gave the annual report and accounts (written copies attached) his report concluded Tony Box left the meeting.
COCKFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Chairman Rodney Williams gave the annual report (written copy attached).
COCKFIELD SCHOOL: Head Teacher Trudie Harkin gave the annual report and answered questions on school numbers and the continued use of the maypole (written copy attached). Her report concluded Trudie Harkin left the meeting.
ST PETERS CHURCH: The Reverend Sharon Potter gave the annual report (full written copy attached) Reverend Potter discussed the remembrance service arrangements with Janne Cutting-Keaton.
Joe Brinkley left the meeting at this point.
CATEY PRE SCHOOL: Dick Bayes gave the annual report (written copy attached).
COCKFIELD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: Dick Bayes gave the annual report (written copy attached).
VILLAGE WEBSITE: Neil Ashton gave the annual report for the website and the Cockfield Computer Circle (written copy attached). Following his report Neil Ashton answered many varied questions on both the website and the Cockfield Computer Circle.
COCKFIELD W.I.: In Chairman Morag Kellys absence Janne Cutting-Keaton read her annual report (written copy attached).
COCKFIELD VILLAGE HALL: Janne Cutting-Keaton gave the report (written copy attached).
GREEN LINKS: Janne Cutting-Keaton gave the report (written copy attached). Dick Bayes asked if the events page could be moved to the back cover.
COCKFIELD FOOTBALL CLUB: Report taken earlier.
- ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Janne Cutting-Keaton advised the meeting that the Community Council is building an e mail address register and asked people present to contribute.
- DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: Parish Council AGM Thursday 21st May 2015 7.30pm
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and those who gave reports and closed the meeting at 9.35pm.
So what is an Annual Parish Meeting?
All parish and town Councils throughout England are required, by law, to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1 March and 1 June (inclusive).
The main purpose of the meeting is to enable the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the last year although other local representatives and organisations will attend and speak. Crucially, it enables all residents to have their say on anything they consider important or want to raise.
Who can attend?
It is worth emphasising that it is not a meeting of the Parish Council but of all local government electors in Cockfield. Anyone is welcome to attend and speak although should any matters be put to a vote then only registered electors may do so.
Will I be able to ask questions and make suggestions?
Quite simply – yes. It is also quite proper to make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of the village. This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.
Who will chair the meeting?
The Parish Council Chairman is required to conduct the meeting. Should he be absent then the meeting can elect a chairperson from amongst those present.
Will Parish Councillors be there?
Usually they do attend and will speak if need be. Likewise the County and District Councillors and others. It must be stressed, though, that the purpose of the meeting is to enable those in the village to have their say. Councillors will listen with interest and, as electors themselves, also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.
Will notes be taken of the meeting?
Yes, a written record of the meeting will be taken.
What else happens at the meeting?
Local clubs, societies and other voluntary and statutory organisations are invited to provide representatives to speak about their work.
How long will the meeting last?
As long as needed – within reason! It really depends on those present and the number of questions and the discussion that is raised. Generally, the Meeting should be no longer than two hours but those attending are free to come and go as they see fit.
Why not come along…meet others…and see what happens?