Church Lane
IP30 0LA
Members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 23 January 2025 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.
Members of the public:
Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may address the Council, during the Public Participation Session, Item 15 on the agenda.
Reporting on Meetings
Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person is normally able to film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions.
1.. To receive any apologies for absence.
2. To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 28 November 2024.
4. To review progress on all outstanding actions from minutes of previous meetings.
2022/178: Pavilion Balustrade:
A second Contractor’s quotation for a new balustrade is still awaited.
2024/040: Speed Limit Reduction Initiative: The Clerk has provided agreement to SCC’s final report, was submitted to the Cabinet Member and to Head of Transport Strategy and their decision is expected in the New Year.
2024/059.2.1: Greens Management: The Clerk approached a resident, who has agreed to make a hardwood finial for the Bandstand Roof.
2024/066.4: Financial Regulations: It was proposed by Cllr Levett and seconded by Cllr Cutting-Keyton that the Working Group undertake research in the New Year on options and procedures for introducing electronic banking, use of debit cards, petty cash etc. The Group would make a proposal to a Parish Council Meeting before the AGM in May 2025.
2024/070.2.1: Greens Management: Cllr Brinkley to investigate options & provide a proposal for semi-permanent kid’s goal posts and nets for Great Green.2024/070.2.8: Pavilion (including Storage Shed): The Clerk confirmed that the redecoration work is scheduled for completion on 29th November he will meet the Contractor to sign off the work.
2024/101.2.7: Parish Paths: Cllr Baber has inspected the footpath (which was the subject of a resident’s complaint) and noted a lack of progress on the fault since he raised the ‘issue on the SCC Website. SCC cones are still in place for protection.
2024/116.2: Allotments: Cllr Fletcher confirmed the interlocking outdoor grass protection mats, had arrived and would be installed as pathing material between the allotments by Cllrs Levett and Fletcher.
2024/117: The Pocket: Cllr Morley to contact contractor on site and obtain quotation to trim hedges along the road perimeter. If the quote is within budget agreed at October meeting, then Cllr Morley to instruct the contractor to proceed.
2024/136.1: Playground: Cllr Knight to contact APL to supply and spread the additional woodchip and to undertake the rectification of issues raised in the recent Annual RoSPA Safety Inspection.
2024/137: Social Media Policy: Cllr Baber to review any potential conflicts between his draft policy and the Parish Council’s GDPR Policy, to incorporate any further comments from Cllr and resubmit to the January meeting.
2024/140: Revisions to Allotment Tenancy Agreement: Cllr Levett to issue the updated Allotment Tenancy Agreement to Allotment Holders to take effect from March 2025.
2024/141.1.6 Village Hall Car Park: The clerk had written to the Village Hall Management Group raising concerns about the wording of the VH Hire Agreements. The Chair of the VH Management Group to respond.
2024/144.1 Great Green Bootcamp: Cllr Brinkley to contact applicant to arrange a meeting with the Greens Working Group on Great Green to understand implications of holding a Saturday morning Bootcamp on the Green and to assess any impact on the Green.
2024/144.2 Village Fair and Classic Car Show in 2025: The Clerk was to advise the Community Council that they can host the 2025 Village Fair on the Great Green as well as the Classic Car Show (which is weather dependent).
2024/145: Street Naming Request: The Clerk to advise BMSDC that the Parish Council’s suggested name for the access road to the two properties behind the Horseshoes Pub, should be Stowes Hill Close.
2024/146: Correspondence: The Clerk to enquire with BT about adopting the Red Telephone Box in Cross Green, which is shortly to be decommissioned.
.5. Public Participation Session: (15 minutes).
5.1 Suffolk County Councillor and Babergh District Councillor Reports.
5.2 Public comment.
6. Planning:
6.1 To consider any applications received which have been referred to the Parish Council:
DC/25/00049: Full Planning Application – Erection of two storey side extension and two storey rear extension (following demolition of existing single storey side extension): Tollgate, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HE (Consultation Response Deadline 26th November 2024)
6.2 To note any Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received:
APPLICATION FOR WORKS TO TREE(S) IN A CONSERVATION AREA – DC/24/04856: Notification of Works to Trees in a Conservation Area – Fell 1no. Leylandii: North Barn, Old Hall Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LQ (Decision: BMSDC Do Not Wish To Object)
APPLICATION FOR WORKS TO TREE(S) IN A CONSERVATION AREA – DC/24/05272: Application for works to a tree in a Conservation Area – Re-pollard 1No Ash back to previous cutting points. Conifers, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG (Decision: BMSDC Do Not Wish To Object)
7. Finance:
7.1 To receive a financial reconciliation report.
7.2 To authorise Payments as presented and to note Income received.
7.3 To consider a proposal from Cllr Morley to accept a quotation of £300 + VAT from S Bradnam to cut back vegetation around the pond on Great Green, and to raise canopies of 2 No. Oak trees and 1 No. Poplar trees and remove one shrub/tree in the hedge in the Pocket.
7.4 To consider a proposal from Cllr Morley to accept a quotation of £3,575 + VAT from ADM Contracting Ltd to coppice and cut back trees, shrubs and other vegetation in Jeffreys Green.
It is also proposed (subject to agreement by the CIL Working Group) that this be funded from our Neighbourhood CIL (Briefing Note issued to Cllrs in advance of meeting)
8. 2025/26 Budget and Precept:
8.1 To approve the draft budget circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting.
8.2 To review and/or agree the Parish Council Precept for 2025-26.
9. Social Media Policy: To approve and adopt the Social Media Policy (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).
10. Local Needs Housing: To consider any matters – Cllr Morley
11. Resident Requests:
11.1 To consider a request from a resident to erect a fence around the playground equipment on Great Green (Briefing Note issued to Cllrs in advance of meeting).
11.2 To consider a request from a resident for the Parish Council to purchase a defibrillator to be sited at Cross Green (Briefing Note issued to Cllrs in advance of meeting).
12. Plough & Fleece: To consider options available to the Parish Council to assist the Cockfield Village Group in the acquisition of the Plough & Fleece and relocation of the village shop and post office (Briefing Note issued to Cllrs in advance of meeting).
13. Maintenance Schedule and Asset Management:
13.1 Maintenance Matters by exception:
13.1.1 Greens Management (including Bandstand)
13.1.2 Glebe Land (including Allotments)
13.1.3 Earls Meadow/Bruffs Line/Jeffreys Green
13.1.4 Cemetery
13.1.5 Playground
13.1.6 Village Hall Car Park
13.1.7 Parish Paths
13.1.8 Pavilion (including Storage Shed)
13.1.9 Bus Shelter
13.1.10 Notice Boards & Benches.
13.1.11 Village Sign
13.1.12 Speed Indicator Devices
13.1.13 Other Assets
13.2 Maintenance Calendar (Full review, February, June, October only)
To undertake full review of 2024/25 Maintenance Requirements for budget preparation purposes.
14. Third Party Liaison: By Exception, to receive any reports from lead members on matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Council and to take actions appropriate:
14.1 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Cllr Nic Knight.
14.2 Highways and Emergencies -Cllr Cutting-Keyton/Cllr Levett.
14.3 Police/Fire – Cllr Levett.
14.4 BMSDC – Cllr Levett:
15. Correspondence: To consider the list of correspondence received and listed in the Correspondence Register (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting) and to agree any appropriate actions.
16. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.
17. Next Meetings:
The next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall.
Parish Clerk: Steve Ball, Proper Officer of the Council
Address: Green Ridge, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HA
Tel: 01284 828987
Published: 17th January 2025