Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Howe Lane Road Closure

October 24, 2016 – November 7, 2016 all-day
Howe Lane, 200 metres from Lavenham Road

Following the Parish Council’s agreement to the plan for improving passenger safety at the Mill Corner bus stop, Suffolk County Council have issued a temporary traffic order for the closure of Howe Lane from the junction of the A1141 for 210 metres eastbound (towards Cockfield Hall) from the 24th Octoberfor two weeks. They have recommended, and will signpost an alternative route using the A1141, A134, Water Lane, Bury Road, Bradfield Road, Gt Green, Chapel Road and vice versa.

Appreciating that this closure may cause inconvenience and extended journeys for many of us we have contacted the County Council who have given us the following information.

Works are expected to start on the 24th October and last for 10 days. The road closure will be in place from day one. The intention is to remove it overnight and official school transport will be allowed through. Two way temporary traffic lights will be present on the A1141.

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