Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Cemetery is 90 Years Old

Cockfield Cemetery

A “Burial Ground” was talked about through 1919 and a decision that the Parish should provide a Burial Ground under the Burial Act was taken in February 1920.

The decision to purchase the site from the County Council was taken in March 1920. More details were discussed throughout the year, then consent from the “Ministry of Health” was requested. They then required two holes to be dug!

In September the offer of a loan of £300 for 27 years at 6%, repayable in half yearly amounts of £11-5-9d was received. By November 1922 a letter had been received from the Archdeacon  saying that the Bishop had authorised the use of a Consecration Prayer over graves.

The conveyance was finally signed in January 1923.  Various grave diggers are mentioned, but no record of the first grave being dug has been found.

The forgoing table of fees, payments and sums was adopted at a meeting of the Parish Council held on the 7th day of December, 1922  and was approved by the Minister of Health “this twenty sixth day of February 1923”.

Source: the minute book of the Parish council from 4th December 1894 to June 17th 1931

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