Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Sudbury

Sudbury and District CAB is the only bureau covering the whole of Babergh District Council area and we want to reach the entire community of the area. Although our main office is situated in Sudbury, we are developing a series outreach facilities which will complement our office telephone and e-mail to provide a better service.

We wish to update all the Parishes of our District on a regular basis with details of services and support for those in the community who may need it.

If you produce a regular parish magazine and would like to receive information that may be of interest to your readers, will you please let me have your contact details and deadline dates.
As a start of the process to reach out and communicate the role and activities of the bureau, below is a link to a document  which sets out the service Sudbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau covers.

Roy Lamb, Volunteer, Sudbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau

  Sudbury Citizens Advice Bureau

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