Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Report September 2017

The Parish Council met on Thursday 28th September 2017.  The County Councillor and the District Councillor each attended for part of the meeting and there were 2 members of the public. In the Open Session the Council was asked of a proposed small housing development in Chapel road and its response. The Chairman explained the […]

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Community Council News, September 2017

Cockfield Community Council News Despite our worrying all week about what the weather would bring, the Cockfield Village Show passed without a drop of rain, although some of our stallholders were a little concerned about the effect of the strengthening winds on their marquees. In the end, the rain was forecast for 5pm and, guess […]

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Sandra Stannard

I moved to Cockfield in May 1997.  Paul Brinkley introduced me to the Community Council and I became secretary for 14 years. I enjoy giving what I can to the community and working with like-minded people.   I like to relax in my garden, walking, cycling and having the odd beer or two. […]

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Home Page Text Post

Village SIgn

Welcome to Cockfield in West Suffolk which is about 6 miles south of the market town of Bury St Edmunds, and close to historic Lavenham. Cockfield’s 800 residents mainly live grouped around its eight greens. […]

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