Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Bruff’s Line Earl’s Meadow

By the time you read this summer will probably have taken its last breath, we may miss out autumn and go straight to winter 🙂  But the work on the line will continue.

Dave Tarling will be topping the meadows any day now and work will have started on building steps to the stream by the nursery bed. If you look closely you will see that we have some new owl boxes and other nest boxes put up . There has been some Barn Owl activity in the area and I will report on that more fully next month.

As we press forward in our pursuit of excellence I am proud to report that Bruff’s line fruit won two first prizes ( eating apples and pears) and a third ( cooking apples) at the Cockfield show. Sadly the plums peaked too early or I am confident that we would have won with those two.. but they made a lovely crumble!

Thanks to all of the volunteers who turn out week after  week to keep this wonderful facility in  peak condition. As ever I will be calling for working parties over the coming months.


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