Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting

January 25, 2018 @ 19:30
Cockfield Village Hall

Members of the Council:

You are hereby summoned to an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 25 January 2018 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.

Members of the public:

Members of the public are welcome to attend and may address the Council, following item two on the agenda, when the meeting is adjourned.

Reporting on Meetings

Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person may film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions. Would any person intending to report please give notice before the start of the meeting to the Clerk or Chairman of the Council to enable reasonable facilities to be afforded.


1.         To receive any apologies for absence.

2.         To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3.         To approve the minutes of both the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 28 November 2017 and the Ordinary Meeting held on 30 November 2017.

4.         Adjournment for:
4.1      County Councillor’s report.

4.2       District Councillor’s report.

4.3       Public comment and/or questions.

5.         Planning:

5.1       To consider any applications received.

5.2       To note any applications considered the deadlines for which were in advance of this meeting including:

DC/17/05689 – land to the west of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green – erection of eight dwellings. Council supported the application in principle but had concerns regarding the access which would require Suffolk Highways to consider safety issues obtaining. The Council indicated its support for a mixed development in size and number of dwellings, including one affordable property, thereby restricting the volume of vehicle movements from the site. The density mix was deemed positive and the Council keen to encourage the applicant to provide support to improve the infrastructure in the local area. It was felt that the woodland strip to the west of the proposed development should be retained and enhanced;

DC/17/06015 – land west of Clovelly, Howe Lane – submission of details under outline planning permission B/17/00900 – appearance, landscape, layout and scale for two two-storey dwellings with associated access  and parking. Council objected – on the grounds that the two proposed houses would have an impact on the locality in terms of scale, being too large and inappropriate to the street scene. There were also concerns relating to issues affecting the highway;

DC/17/06123 – Old Hall Green Cottage, Old Hall Lane – erection of two-storey and single-storey rear extension, single-storey kitchen extension, porch and internal alterations. Council had no objection;

DC/17/06308 – Mill House, Bury Road – notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. Council objected – due to concerns that the application did not constitute ‘prior approval’ as provided for by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as the building had not been used solely for agriculture as part of an agricultural unit and was not capable of conversion without significant alterations;

DC/17/06292 – land south of Birds Lane – erection of dwelling and cart lodge. Council objected – due to concerns that the proposal was out of character with the locality nearby, represented ‘creeping’ development along a lane unsuitable for increased traffic, was an unacceptable intrusion into open countryside and would set an undesirable precedent for ‘ribbon’ development both outside the settlement boundary and built environment;

DC/17/06124 – land adjacent The Threshing Floor, Great Green – erection of two detached dwellings with new vehicular accesses. Council supported the application in principle; and

DC/17/06130 and DC/17/06131 – The Horseshoes Inn, Stows Hill – erection of guest accommodation and Listed Building Consent. Council supported the application.

5.3       To note any Babergh DC planning permissions/refusals received including:

DC/17/03011 – granted – land north of Ivy Farm, Chapel Road – erection of six new dwellings (four two-storey semi-detached, one two-storey detached and one single-storey detached and associated detached garages;

DC/17/05362 – refused – Mill House, Bury Road – notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q (a) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015;

DC/17/05302 – granted – The Croft, Windsor Green – erection of one and a half-storey front extension, single-storey rear extension, insertion of new dormer to front elevation, detached garage/carport and formation of new vehicular access;

DC/17/05303 – granted – The Croft, Windsor Green – erection of one and a half-storey dwelling and detached garage/carport (following demolition of existing garages);

DC/17/05689 – granted – land to the west of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green – erection of eight dwellings;

DC/17/03524 – granted – Hope House, Cross Green – outline application (access/layout/design/scale/landscaping to be considered or all matters reserved) – hybrid application to move North House as previously approved under B/16/01356 northwards on plot to new position (South House as approved to remain unchanged). Erection of five dwellings, highways access and associated landscaping;
DC/17/06015 – granted – land west of Clovelly, Howe Lane – submission of details under outline planning permission B/17/00900 – appearance, landscape, layout and scale for two two-storey dwellings with associated access and parking; and

DC/17/05414 – granted – The Hay Barn, Earls Hall Road – prior approval  application under Part 3, Class Q (a) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development ) (England) Order 2015 – conversion of barn to dwelling.


6.         Cockfield and Suffolk Highways:

To receive an oral report on the meeting and inspections, held on 18 January,   between councillors and officers from Suffolk Highways.

7.         Play Equipment:
To consider the current provision in the village and to take action as appropriate.
8.         Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils – Proposed Merger:

To discuss the public engagement process and to consider a potential response to the same.

9.         Finance:
9.1       To receive a financial statement and report, including the latest position with the 2017-2018 Council budget.
9.2       To authorise payments as presented and to note income received.
9.3       To determine the Council budget for 2018-2019 and, thereby, the precept requirement for 2018-2019.

10.     Correspondence:
To consider the list of correspondence received and to take action as appropriate.
11.       Working Groups:

To receive reports from working groups and to take action as appropriate.

11.1    Local Needs Housing/Mackenzie Place Development – Cllr Morley

11.2    Greens Management – Cllr Brinkley

11.3    Pavilion Management – Cllr Southgate

12.       Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.
13.       Next Meeting:
To note that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Thursday 22 February in the Village Hall beginning at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk: Doug Reed, Proper Officer of the Council

Address:        Second Thoughts, Church Road, Elmswell IP30 9DY

Tel:                 07843850018

Published:     21 January 2018

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