Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

United Charities of Cockfield: Important – help required

It has been a difficult two years during the covid 19 pandemic. Although there is some cause for optimism, many people are facing higher household bills due to increases in costs for power and other essentials and for some these will be difficult to manage or afford.

For people living in the Parish of Cockfield the United Charities of Cockfield (the first dating  from the 17th  century and some later), still help those in need by providing some vital support.

Do you need help or do you know someone who might need assistance?

Whilst restrictions within the deeds limit how the funds may be used, the Trustees main problem is that it is difficult to find out who in the Parish might be able to benefit from some support. Last year we were able to help some residents but it is probable that there are others who would meet the conditions and should receive support. All approaches are dealt with in the strictest confidence, and if you consider that you, a relative or someone you know may need some help please contact me, or one of the trustees, so that we may consider the situation.

Tony Box
Chairman, United Charities of Cockfield

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