Cockfield Parish and Community Councils have formed a joint working group to look at the current Play Equipment provision in the village with a view to improving/extending/replacing the current facilities.
To enable the Parish Council and/or the Community Council to apply for grant funding we have to show that there is a need for improved facilities within the village.
To help us to do this we hope that you will spend a few minutes completing this survey so that we can prove a need does exist in the village, not just now but into the future.
We need to establish the number of children who either live or visit the village, their ages, the existing usage and the possible increase in usage of the play area if it was refurbished.
The completed forms can be handed in to the Post Office, or put through Rod Portwood’s door at 4 Dukes Meadow or left in Janne Cutting-Keyton’s post box at the end of Newholme’s driveway at Smithwood Green.
If you have any queries, need any assistance or would like additional copies of the survey please contact the following:
Rodney Williams 828965, Rod Portwood 827693, Janne Cutting-Keyton 828264. The Survey results will be published in Green Links.
The Parish and Community Councils would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Please click Next to go to the first page of the survey.