Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Summary Report of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held 05 June 2019

With the scheduling of meetings around the election and the recent Annual Parish meeting, we called an extraordinary meeting to progress some urgent matters that required action prior to the next ordinary meeting 27th June. Consequently, the summary of items discussed is relatively short.

The County and District Councillors were not in attendance for this meeting.

Finance and budget: The financial statement was adopted, and the schedule of payment was approved.

Dukes Meadow: Cllr Morley reported that the Working Group had met at Dukes Meadow to review BMSDC’s land transfer offer and had identified several issues requiring further information and answers from BMSDC and our insurers.

Pavilion Hire Charges: Cllr Southgate presented a schedule of future Hire Charges for the Pavilion for “casual” hiring, sports teams and key users. It was agreed that representatives from the Football Club as a key user will be invited to the next Parish Council meeting to discuss.

The meeting proceeded to consider its response to a consultation request for a development in Chapel Road adjacent to “Reed Lodge”.

Ordinary business will be carried out at the next PC meeting 27th June with the “standard” agenda and further items to include:

1) To approve the completion of Section 2 of the AGAR – “Accounting Statements 2018/19” for Cockfield Parish Council

2) To agree Pavilion Hire Charge Terms of Payment

3) SCC Highways Self Help Scheme

4) Neighbourhood CIL Working Group Report

5) VE Day 75 Celebration on 08/05/20

6) Annual Review of Asset Register

8) Quarterly Review of Risk Register

9) Review of Clerk’s Salary

10) Purchase of Mackenzie Meadow from SCC

11) Dukes Meadow Land Transfer Recommendation

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