Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Summary Report of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 14 Aug 2019

The meeting was principally convened to consider planning applications, items of urgent business and to receive a briefing from Local district councillor Clive Arthey.

Pavilion: Cllr Southgate noted that the football club had indicated the hire charge for the pavilion 2018-19 would be paid this week. A further meeting on operational matters would be arranged subsequent to Cllr Turner attending the Adcock heating system service visit 15/8/19.  Hopefully to understand some problems being experienced with the functionality.

Arrangements are also being made to paint the white balustrades.

 Telephone boxes: Cllr Brinkley advised the painting / refurbishment had commenced

 Clerk’s Salary Review: The Clerk left the room for the discussion. The chairman outlined his proposal to members in accordance with NALC guidance and Local government employee pay award 2019 -2020. The clerk’s salary would be increased as the guidance.

Suffolk County Council Meadow Land Purchase: The Clerk has continued to chase solicitors to close a number of questions, so there is no progress to report.

 Community infrastructure levy; The Council noted new interim guidance from Babergh on spending criteria pending the forthcoming scrutiny committee review.


DC/19/03460 Householder Planning Application – Erection of single storey rear extension.  The Hay Barn, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JD (Consultation Deadline:15 August 2019).

 The Council reviewed the details and had no objection to the proposals

 Appeal Reference: APP/D3505/W/19/3233313 Application for Outline Planning Permission (Including access, all other matters reserved) – Erection of 1No dwelling, garage and new vehicular access.: Land Adjacent Gambrel, Chapel Road, Cockfield, IP30 0HE (Representation Submission Deadline 11/09/19)

The Council reviewed the appeal evidence, although agreed to reiterate and amplify the original  consultation response objecting to this proposed development.

(Full details of the response are available on the Babergh DC planning web site)

 Babergh Mid Suffolk District Council Joint Local Plan Consultation: The substantive document had been circulated to members and was also available on the BMSDC web site. Clive Arthey explained the rationale behind the plan and members considered the details and any impact on Cockfield. Cllr’s Cutting Keyton and Morley had attended a Parishes briefing earlier the same day and advised the members of the details. The PC would  be responding to  the consultation due by 30th September and the Chairman agreed to consolidate the policy clauses from the document to allow a detailed response to be offered on the portal.

Play Equipment: Weeds had been growing vigorously of late and the council would accept a kind offer from a resident to remove these. It was agreed the council would also encourage further support from villagers to help with other issues to mitigate the council expenditure and promote cohesion in the community/

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