Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Report on Additional Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council met for an additional meeting on Wednesday 24th June 2015. The purpose of this meeting was to approve the Council’s accounts for the year ending 31st March 2015, but updates were provided on various other matters.

Our District Councillor, Clive Arthey advised us that, for the first time, the Conservatives, with 31 councillors, have a majority on Babergh District Council. There is an independent group of 9 councillors, of which Mr Arthey is the leader.

The first stage of the 2015 Suffolk Village ot the Year competition took place on 30th June. The Council thanked Janne Cutting-Keyton for her efforts in putting together our entry for this competition.

Our aim to bring more ‘local needs’ housing to the village continues with the Parish Council taking the lead in bringing together all the District and County Council activities involved and the housing association.

Work on the pavilion has now started and is scheduled to continue through to the end of July.

The Parish Council and Community Council have formed a joint committee with the main aim of investigating updating the play equipment on Great Green. We are interested in obtaining the views of the village regarding this project, and to assist us we have included a brief ‘pull out’ questionnaire in this edition of Green Links. We ask everyone to complete and return the form so that in considering our approach we get the opinion of as many of you as possible.

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Thursday 30th July at 7.30 pm.

The Parish Council may be contacted through the Clerk, Doug Reed, on 01359 241009 or by e-mail at







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