Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, 29th October 2020

Summary report of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on held on 29th October 2020 held by Skype Video Conference

Mackenzie Place Bus Shelter Action: The CIL Working Group had investigated what repairs are required to the Bus Shelter at MacKenzie Place. This has concluded it is beyond economic repair. The Working Group would report on replacement options at the November Parish Council meeting.

Cutting Grass on Verges Action: The council discussed the inadequacy of SCC Highway to resolve these issues. SCC Highways are not proposing to take any action to trim back the overgrown pavement from the Old Windmill to Mill Corner as it didn’t breach standards. However they will be contacting the owners of Abbey Farm to ensure the hedge that is overgrowing the pavement would be cut back. Cllr Lindsay agreed to provide an update prior to the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of complaint to Suffolk Highways if there is a lack of progress.

Safe Walking Route from Mill Corner to the School: Suffolk County Council representative Paul Horne is unable to meet the Parish Council on site due to Covid restrictions, but offered to meet via a virtual Zoom meeting.  The Clerk was asked to postpone the meeting until all the Parties are able to meet on site.  

Noticeboards: AJ Joinery have provided a quote for manufacturing a new Notice Board at Cross Green. However, it was agreed that an economic alternative quotation to refurbish the existing Noticeboard be sought from C Limmer.

Neighbourhood CIL: It was noted that the Contractor had completed further repairs to the brick Culvert at Earls Meadow. Cllr Morley advised that the Parish Council should budget for a limited amount of brick pointing as part of its annual maintenance regime.

Public Participation Session:

Suffolk County Cllr Lindsay circulated his report prior to the meeting, from which he highlighted updates on A1141 overgrown footways; the potential new footpath in Howe Lane; verge cutting, a motion for a 20mph default limit in villages & towns in Suffolk; details on division boundary changes & SCC’s Covid spending gap.

District Cllr Maybury circulated her report prior to the meeting, which was circulated to Cllrs.

District Cllr Arthey confirmed that a Suffolk Waste Partnership Recycling leaflet will be issued shortly, detailing what can be recycled; that the JLP will be published for consultation on Monday 2/11/20, that the response to the White Paper Consultation will be published shortly; that he had visited the Jeffreys Green Development with Cllr Morley and had inspected the Culvert; that the latest Planning Application for housing behind the Plough and Fleece confirmed the inclusion of 11 No. Affordable dwellings.  Cllr Arthey advised that both the Howe Lane Safe Walking Route and the new MacKenzie Place Bus Shelter should be eligible for CIL 123 Bids.

The Applicant for Planning Application DC/20/04060; Both the applicant and agent were able to explain the rationale behind the application.

Planning: Applications Received for consultation:

DC/20/03116: Planning Application – Erection of new workshop building with the existing access to the site from the A1141 upgraded. Location: Land to The East Of, Sudbury Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LN.Reason(s) for re-consultation: Additional Supporting Statement received 25.09.20            (Consultation Response Deadline 12/10/20, Extended until 01/11/20). The BMSDC Case Officer has agreed that the Parish Council can defer its consultation response until the November Parish Council Meeting, as a further re-consultation will be issued once BMSDC receive the Applicant’s Environmental Report

DC/20/04060: Planning Application – Erection of 1no. self-build dwelling and associated works. Land Adjacent to Gambrel, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Suffolk (Consultation Deadline 12/10/20, Extended until 30/10/20). The Parish Council objects to this application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be seen on the BMSDC Website).

DC/20/04185: Application under S73 for variation or removal of conditions relating to approved DC/19/04576 dated 06/12/2019. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. – Condition 2 (Approved Plans and documents) to enable repositioning of bungalows and parking spaces as per drawing No19 1622 01A. Condition Number(s): Condition 2 – Minor Material Amendment Conditions(s) Removal: Reposition bungalows further from the boundary with 16 Mackenzie Place to prevent future pressure to remove / cut back existing boundary hedge. This also involves the repositioning of a parking space. Replace approved drawing 19 1622 01A with drawing 19 1622 01B. Land to The North West Of, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Suffolk. (Consultation Response Deadline 19/10/20, extended until 01/11/20). The Parish Council supports this application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be seen on the BMSDC Website).

DC/20/04312: Application for Listed Building Consent – Replacement of damaged main bedroom ceiling. Stows Hill House, Stows Hill, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JB. (Consultation Response Deadline 23/10/20, extended until 01/11/20). The Parish Council supports this application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be seen on the BMSDC Website).

DC/20/04361: Full Planning Application – Change of use of part of existing agricultural building to self-storage facility. New Barn Farm, Lavenham Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HX (Consultation Response Deadline 27/10/20, extended until 01/11/20). The Parish Council supports this application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be seen on the BMSDC Website).

DC/20/04440: Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for DC/18/00474 to vary Condition 1 (Approved plans) to facilitate replacement of the approved layout plan with the submitted phasing plan drawing 908/73. Land At Bury Road, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG (Consultation Response Deadline 30/10/20). The Parish Council supports this application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be seen on the BMSDC Website).

Decisions Received:

DC/20/03798: Application for works to tree/s in a Conservation Area – Fell 2No large and 4No small Lawson cypress trees and grind stumps, as roots are close to septic tank potential risk of damaging drains, and excessive shading. Branches from the two smaller trees regularly fall and damage the shed roof, two large trees cause excessive shading. Tudor Cottage, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG. Decision: BMSDC does not wish to object.

Appeal Ref: APP/D3505/W/20/3251308: Planning permission for the erection of 2 no semi-detached dwellings on land North of 4 Hedgerow Cottage, Windsor Green, Cockfield in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref DC/19/03793 dated 8 August 2019. Decision: Appeal allowed and Planning Permission Granted.

DC/20/04207: Application for a Non-Material Amendment – Change of approved brick to Forterra Chelsea Smoked Soft Red Bricks. Land To The West Of Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ. Decision: Amendment Details Approved.

Maintenance Calendar: Due to the full Agenda and late time, Cllr Levett offered to work with the Clerk to finalise the Maintenance Schedule to facilitate the preparation of the Budget.

Glebe Land: Cllrs Morley and Webster attended Module 1 of a virtual Allotment Management training course run by SALC and will be attending two further modules.  It was agreed that our paid contractor Shepherd & Son be appointed to ‘top’ the Glebe meadow (subject to a maximum cost).

Playground: Cllr Morley advised that the contractor had vacated the Adventure Playground site over the Half Term week due to a prior school commitment. The remaining work is scheduled to take approximately 12 days to complete. Cllr Southgate agreed to write an article for Green Links containing details about the ‘opening’ and any Covid restrictions. The Clerk enquired whether the memory of Mrs Bird (whose legacy contributed towards the new Adventure Playground) might be recognised in some way at the Playground. Cllrs agreed that it should, but no details were discussed.  

Village Hall Car Park: The Clerk has written to the Head of School Governors confirming the Parish Council’s decision to assume the maintenance responsibility for the Village Hall car park hedge.

Parish Paths: Cllr Turner confirmed that fallen tree belonging to Upper Church Farm that was blocking the footpath, has been removed by Philip Bowcher.

Other Assets: Cllr Turner has purchased and fitted replacement new batteries in two SIDs.

Pavilion Update: Cllr Levett advised that he had written to the Loss Adjusters agreeing to the latest scope of repair work. The Clerk has asked the Contractor to schedule the work (expected to commence around December/January). The Contractor will be forwarding a mandate to the Clerk for the Parish Council to sign and return, agreeing to pay our contribution (23.96%) towards the final cost.  

Re-opening Pavilion: The Chairman agreed that the Football Club could use the pavilion as they had necessary risk mitigation measures in place. It was noted that there had been a 4th recent break-in at the Pavilion Shed. Details had been provided to Cllr Cutting-Keyton to raise with our Community Engagement Officer.

Local Needs Housing: Cllr Morley confirmed there was another article published in Green Links and that build phase 1 is still scheduled for a March 2021 completion.

Highways and Emergencies: The Clerk reported that he had chased the BMSDC Case officer within the Enforcement team to investigate and progress the Parish Council’s complaint about Contractor parking on the A1141 (in breach of Planning conditions). Cllr Cutting-Keyton had reported a blocked drain in Mackenzie Place.

MacKenzie Open Space Meadow: Work was on-going to progress replacing the steel beams and provide some new sleepers .The Clerk is compiling a new CIL123 Bid to fund the outstanding project works (Bridge refurbishment, Gazebo, Picnic furniture) which will be submitted to BMSDC by the October deadline.

New SID and Additional Proposed Locations: It was agreed that Cllr Turner obtains alternative quotations for a new SID and 3 No. Support posts in improved locations.

Parish Councillor Vacancy: The Chairman confirmed that he has spoken with Andy Golding, who has expressed an interest in filling the Cllr vacancy.  It was agreed that Andy Golding be Co-opted onto the Parish Council.

Bandstand: Cllr Cutting-Keyton has attempted to raise the problems of increasing litter and unacceptable behaviour at the Bandstand and the Village Hall, with the Community Engagement Officer, but had been unable to meet him. Cllr Levett advised that he is not prepared to continue to litter pick the Bandstand until the current problems are resolved.

Village Minibus Cllr Southgate agreed to arrange a meeting with all interested parties before the next Parish Council meeting, to discuss the future of the Minibus.

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