Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, Jan 2016

The Parish Council met on Thursday 28th January 2016.

A new purpose built bin for dog waste has now been installed on the South side of Great Green. Dog walkers are asked to ensure that they clear up after their dogs and put the resulting waste either in this bin or take it home with them. The bin, which is painted green, is located approximately half way along the Green.

Our County Councillor, Jenny Antill, advised us that the consultation regarding the future shape of Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service is continuing until 22nd February and that a public meeting will be held in Sudbury on 3rd February. She continued by advising that the County will be holding general council tax at the same level as last year, but that the Government’s Social Care Precept of 2% will be imposed (this amount being ring fenced for adult social care). Finally she spoke regarding the availability of high speed broadband in Cockfield through 2016 – details are available on the website and it should be noted that anyone wishing to switch to high speed broadband will need to apply through their provider as it is not an automatic process.

Our District Councillor, Clive Arthey informed us that the District portion of council tax is likely to increase by 3½%. He also added that the debate regarding free parking in Sudbury and Hadleigh will be reopened in the near future.

The Council agreed the parish council tax precept which will be required to maintain the services and facilities in the village through 2016/7.

It was agreed that the Parish will purchase a mobile Vehicle Activated Speed sensor which will be located from time to time at various points around the village. The intention of this equipment is to inform drivers of their speed and persuade them to drive within the limits thus reducing speeding in the village.

A plan to improve Lavenham-bound passenger safety at the Mill Corner bus stop has been agreed with Suffolk County Council and we are waiting drawings confirming the new arrangement.

It was agreed that the Parish and Community Councils should form a joint committee to determine how the village will celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday on 12th June.

The annual ‘Clean Up Cockfield’ litter pick will take place over the weekend 4th-6th March to coincide with the ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign to tidy up Britain in time for the Queen’s 90th birthday. Litter pickers, hi-viz jackets and plastic bags will be provided – full details can be found on the village website.

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Thursday 25th February 2016 at 7.30 pm.

The Parish Council may be contacted through the Clerk, Doug Reed, on 01359 241009 or by e-mail at

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