Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Show 2015

Our second show was indeed a success, we had more show entries and more people visiting than last year. We had indeed learned some lessons and many things were improved and better organised.

The church had obviously said some prayers for our well-being as regards the climactic conditions and it mostly worked as there was only a light degree of precipitation towards the end of the afternoon.


cockfield-show-02cockfield-show-04I could wax lyrically about all the attractions at the event; Morris Dancers, Bouncy Castle , Punch and Judy, Zumba... I could go on and on but the most important thing was that the people came from all walks of life and all parts of the village and beyond. I was wonderful to see so many gathered together in the beautiful setting of Clipt Bushes, the home of Mrs Barbara Ruffell and Caroline Ruffell who so kindly lent their gardens and a beautiful old barn for the occasion.

The parklands were used for car parking, the gardens housed the fete and the barn made a stunning setting for the show.

I believe that it is vitally important that the cockfield-show-05village continues to stage events like this in order to bring people together ; old and new villagers who may not have seen one another for a while or even have met before turned out to enjoy the fun whilst children had a splendid time being thoroughly entertained by the old fashioned delights on offer.

cockfield-show-06This event takes a year and a lot of hard work to plan. Thank you to all who gave their time, to all who provided sponsorship, to those who helped on the day and to everyone who entered the show, turned up to the event and made the whole enterprise so very worthwhile.

Thanks to all and here's to the next time.


RW Cockfield Community Council Chairman


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