Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Emergency Plan

The Cockfield Emergency Plan is intended to prepare the  community for emergencies in a way that complements and supports the emergency service.

Generally emergencies are managed and controlled by the Police and / or Fire Service but there are rare occasions when those services are not able to provide an immediate response and local ‘self help’ is required.

The development of the Emergency Plan has involved two elements – firstly the establishment of information and contacts which will be made available to the emergency services to enable them to effectively manage any situation which should arise and, secondly, to determine what resources are available within the community to provide ‘self help’ should it be required. In preparing the plan, priority has been given to identifying those in the community who are ‘at risk’ and ensuring that the means are available to meet their needs.

The purpose of the Emergency Plan is –

  • to provide guidance as to what to do in an emergency
  • advise how the plan is actioned in the event of an emergency
  • and give contact details of our Emergency Planning Team

To receive a copy of the Cockfield Emergency Plan please email

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