Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Community Council; Chairman’s Report May 2021

At one point during these past months the only light that shone in the darkness was from a Christmas Tree up on Great Green.

These have been harrowing times but the community has won through and better times are ahead.

Last year, when restrictions allowed, the Community Council rose to the challenge and put on some events, such as starting the cinema, albeit with Covid restrictions in place. The community responded and supported it strongly.

A number of online quizzes were held which proved very popular. A big thank you to the people who worked so hard to make these things happen.

We are coming out of the lockdown and, like the phoenix, rising from the ashes, the Community council is stirring once again. The cinema is restarting at the end of the month, a sale trail will be held in July, the Cockfield Show will return to the village hall in September and a number of footpath rambles, with dogs welcome, are also being planned.

A major community event is  being planned for September involving Great Green, The Pavillion and, of course, the community;  Cockfield Back Together is a party to which all are invited, a chance to gather, enjoy each other’s company and relax after months of lockdown.

A quiz at the village hall  is being organised for November, always a popular event and, of course, we will be looking at  Christmas event, in December on Great Green, involving the switching on of the lights on the Christmas tree.

Earlier this year a very sensitive decision was taken by the Community Council trustees regarding the community minibus. Obviously during the pandemic the minbis was not used by the village but in the previous year it had had so little usage that the trustees questioned if it was still needed, The bus just about broke even financially but no funds were accruing to fund a replacement when the current bus reached the end of its life. Much of the usage was from outside the village and the trustees thought it unwise to risk community council funds to subsidise this usage.

A joint letter from the Community Council and the Parish Council was published in Green Links and on the Community Broadcast explaining the situation and asking for views, ideas and suggestions as to how the minibus could be better supported and utilised. Sadly there were very few responses and the Community Council  concluded that the situation was unlikely to improve. A motion was put to the trustees and the majority vote was in favour of passing the minibus back to the Parish Council, its legal owners. Accordingly the bus was MOT’d, serviced and passed back to the Parish Council on 31st March 2021.

The Earl’s Meadow, Bruff’s Line and Jeffereys Green project has really been a valuable asset for the community during these difficult times, a quiet, beautiful place to relax, wander and, sorry to say it, remain safely socially distanced in the fresh air. A credit to the team who has made it so!

During these times the Community Council has not been able to raise funds for the village so we joined a charitable Post Office donation scheme. A huge Thank you to all who have responded.

During this year the Community Council has donated £5000 to the new play area on Great Green and £5000 to the refurbishment of the village hall bar and kitchen area.

It is said that hard times bring out the best in people and that is certainly true for this village of caring people caring for people.

Well done to all


R Williams. CC Chair

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