Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, September 2018

The council had no meeting in August holiday period so reconvened in September.

Following recent work on the annual accounts by the Clerk and Lindon Mills, the internal auditor, it was reported that these had now been examined by the external auditor and there were no issues or actions required.

County Councillor Robert Lindsay was not able attend however, in his written report notable items were that SCC was going to overspend its budget of £501M by £8.6M and was looking for where cutbacks could be made before the end of the financial year. Further, the new Council leader Hicks had abandoned the investigations by a third-party specialist into a move to a Unitary model as he did not favour this initiative.

The Council had received notification that its two CIL funding bids (Land at Mackenzie place and Glebe Land) and also the Village Hall’s bid (refurbished kitchen) had now been approved by the Babergh committee. The council needed to formally respond to accept the terms of the offers which have an expiry period of two years.

The parish council had nominated Babergh Councillor Clive Arthey for an LGIU national award in recognition of his efforts and support to the village. We have since learnt that Clive has been short listed with eight others in the “place shaping and environment” award.

The council were to chase up refurbishment of the heritage phone boxes. It was suggested that the box adjacent to the post office may be better sited at Great Green when BT remove the redundant modern installation. There was previously a heritage box on the green until circa 1979 when it was damaged beyond repair by a motor vehicle collision. BT to be contacted to see if they would assist in the relocation.

It was noted that the Babergh move to transfer small pockets of land, namely those in Dukes Meadow, to Parish ownership had progressed little other than now having a contact at Babergh who was investigating the issue of tree roots and drains etc.

After further discussion it was agreed (Subject to Village Hall management acceptance) that the defibrillator would be sited at the village hall.

The clerk noted he had secured a better electricity supply contract for the pavilion.

Having agreed it needs to undertake a review of the pavilion management hire etc and align responsibilities between the Community Council and the Parish Council, Mark Webster was drafting documents to bring this together.

The council had not heard from ROSPA concerning the annual playground inspection. They were to be chased on the timescale for this.

Cllr Turner had initially installed the additional speed awareness display device in Howe Lane.  This will subsequently be relocated in a similar manor to the original device.

Progress on the replacement village sign is well underway. The installation and formal unveiling is now more practicable in the spring. The pole also requires replacing which will entail substantive work on the plinth. The council would contact the individual who built the base originally to see the best course of action.

The Greens committee had identified that grass growth on Great Green was faltering not only due to the dry weather but soil condition. Having sought advice, it was agreed to precede with an application of chalk dust which would aid the PH imbalance.

Arrangements are in hand for the event to mark the hundredth anniversary of the end of the first world war. The council thanked Mr Hodge for offering assistance with the lighting of the beacon on Great Green.

Cllr Morley and the Clerk were chasing the other stakeholders to understand timescale and logistics in progressing the Mackenzie place development. The Council are keen to share details with the village. A meeting is anticipated in early October with the stakeholders, so it is hoped a positive update can be available for the October Parish Council meeting.

The clerk noted that the Suffolk Highways’ policy is now not to provide “heaps” of grit for winter self-use, due to pollution reasons. Only grit bins are to be used from now on. The council would check historically where heaps were and usage to see if any bins were required.

Planning Decisions: The following Babergh DC decisions have been received

DC/18/02911 – Submission of Details under Outline Planning Application – DC/17/03524 – Appearance, landscaping and scale for 5 No. dwellings plots 1-5. Hope House, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG. Reserved Matters Have Been Approved.

DC/18/03048 – Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) – Erection of up to 5no. dwellings.  Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ.  Outline Planning Permission has been Refused.

DC/18/03233 – Discharge of Conditions Application for B/16/01157 approved under APP/D3505/W/17/3170002-Condition 3 (Details of External Materials), Condition 4 (Boundary Treatment) and Condition 5 (Vehicular Access). Roundwood House, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY.  Approved Conditions.

DC/18/03253 – Planning Application – Erection of 2 No. dwellings. Site Adjacent to Jupiter, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HQ. Planning Permission has been Granted.

DC/18/01878 – Planning Application – Erection of agricultural storage building. Earls Hall Farmhouse, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JD.  Planning Application Refused.           

 DC/18/02494 – Notification of Prior Approval Application under Part 3, Class Q (a) and (b) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 – Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling.  Little Close, Old Hall Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LQ.  Prior Approval has been given subject to conditions.



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