Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, January 2017

The Parish Council met on Thursday 26th January 2017

Our District Councillor, Clive Arthey, provided a report a report concerning developments at Babergh District Council:

  • The new Chief Executive, Arthur Charvonia,  has now taken on his responsibilities
  • The council will relocate its offices from Hadleigh to Endeavour House in Ipswich (the home of Suffolk County Council) in August and September 2017. There will be public access points in Stowmarket and Sudbury to provide walk-in advice and guidance
  • It is likely that the Babergh portion of Council Tax for 2017/8 will increase by 3.4%. The County Council portion will rise by 3.0% in line with government guidelines for funding social care
  • He also noted that since 1999 3 million tonnes of waste have been diverted from landfill in Suffolk through recycling actions and the introduction of the ‘energy from waste’ plant


The damaged ‘give way’ signs on the A1141 have been repaired and the grit heaps around the village have been replenished.

BT has confirmed that is has registered the Parish Council’s interest in adopting the red phone boxes in Howe Lane and Mackenzie Place. The red box at cross green would remain under BT responsibility as this is located within the conservation area.

To avoid continued misuse of the general litter bin directly outside to door of the village hall, it was agreed that a bin for dog waste should be located in the vicinity of the Village Hall in Church Lane.

Councillors debated the budget for the forthcoming year given several known areas where costs were due to rise and being mindful of the fact that the council tax support grant from Babergh District Council would no longer be provided. It was felt that some flexibility was needed within the budget to enable the Council to provide more support to village initiatives while also potentially funding work currently undertaken by the County Council, such as the cutting of verges and footpaths, which might be carried out more effectively by the Parish Council should it be able to take on responsibility for the tasks. It was also agreed that money should be set aside for much-needed repairs and renewals to Council assets and to provide for continuing progress with present projects. Notwithstanding the foregoing, councillors recognised that any increase needed to be minimal to preclude any serious impact upon the council tax and agreed to limit the increase in the precept to 3%.

Concern was expressed regarding the deterioration of one of the gravestones in the cemetery. It was agreed that, as we have been unable to trace the family concerned, the Clerk will liaise with our insurers and the Council to determine what remedial action we should take.

The Village Litter Pick will take place on the weekend of 18th/19th March

The Annual Village Meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th May in the Village Hall

The next meetings of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 23rd February 2017 and Thursday 30th March both at 7.30 pm

The Parish Council may be contacted through the Clerk, Doug Reed, on 01359 241009 or by e-mail at


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