Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

McKenzie Place Development Update

Article supplied by Orwell Housing Association and Suffolk County Council

Although it may seem as if it has gone quiet on the planned development for the land adjoining MacKenzie Place since planning was granted, SCC and Orwell Housing Association have been working behind the scenes to agree all the necessary legal matters to allow for the development to go ahead. It is hoped that the land transaction document will be ready for signing by the end of October.

OHA will be leading on developing the housing, and they hope to be able to appoint a contractor late 2018 / early 2019 with a start on the site in Spring 2019. The first housing to be provided will be the local needs housing which will include both rented and shared ownership homes which is part funded by Homes England. The smaller self build plots will be delivered at the same time and it is planned that in the first instance these will be offered to Cockfield and neighbouring parishes residents, and only opened up to the wider market after this. If you would like to register your interest in an affordable home please register with Gateway to home choice on

For the self build plots please register on the BMSDC self build register which is available at their website at .

Following on from development of the local needs housing the open market homes will be developed and as available will be placed on the open market. The homes will include bungalows, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes and some more larger self build plots. It is expected that the local needs homes will be ready by Autumn 2020, with the open market homes following on and it is hoped the whole development will be completed by late 2021. In addition to the development the land shown as community land on the planning app is planned to be transferred to the PC shortly with an agreement that the works required by planning will be carried out as appropriate during the development period.

Cockfield Parish Council

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