Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Parish Council Housing Development, Mackenzie Place

Tuesday 2 May saw over 100 residents turn up at the Village Hall to see proposals for a housing development next to Mackenzie Place, just off the Lavenham Road. This has been the subject of discussions for several years but has, finally, started to come together thanks to the work of the Parish Council.

Back in 2010 a housing needs survey was undertaken in the village which showed that there was a demand for more local homes. This remains the case, as evidenced by the waiting list at Babergh District Council. The need has also been reinforced by the ‘Cockfield Village Growth and Development Survey’.

Typically, new housing proposals generate concerns – from those people almost desperate for the development to happen as quickly as possible to those who would prefer no more building at all. Both were in evidence at the consultation event. However, it was clear from the substantial feedback received that the majority were in favour and saw the proposals as a positive addition to the village. That is not to say that everything was viewed as perfect. Indeed, there were quite a number of comments which suggested changes and raised queries for those dealing with the project – but then that was what the event was designed to do, i.e. get feedback from local people and use that to influence the shape of the final proposals.

Currently, 52 dwellings are scheduled – there being a mix of affordable rented homes, first-time buyer properties, bungalows, self-build plots and both detached and semi-detached houses. The mix is deliberate – not only to create an environment which is varied and potentially attractive, but also because the ‘open market’ properties are needed to, in effect, help finance the affordable/social houses being built by Orwell Housing Association (a major and crucial partner in the scheme). Those particularly interested in the affordable housing need to register with Gateway via Homechoice or e-mail or telephone Louise Benedetti or one of the housing team on 01449 724865.

Suffolk County Council is the other key partner in the development and has been instrumental in both enabling the land to be made available and extending the 40mph speed limit on the A1141 Lavenham Road – the latter being essential to provide for safe access to the location as well as being important in its own right on a difficult stretch of highway.

Community space is to be made available as part of the facility and this will be important not only to residents in the immediate area but also to the village as a whole – with a children’s play area strongly suggested as especially important. Other ideas would be very welcome.

All in all, it is hoped that the development will genuinely meet local needs. 52 dwellings sounds a lot but unlike proposals in many other villages, the fact that there is a mix of properties and that they are not being crammed in to a constrained space by a single developer aimed at maximising profit, should result in an outcome which is attractive and sympathetic to the environment in which it sits.

There is some way to go, so if you have further views then please do send them to the Parish Council via the Clerk ( or speak with a parish councillor. Also, updates and opportunities to comment are and will be available at Parish Council meetings (last Thursday of every month except August and December) – so why not come along?

Further, more information will be made available in due course both through this newsletter and on the Cockfield Website. If all went well, then work could start at some point in 2018 but that is dependent on the granting of the planning application which, itself, will only be finalised once all parties are happy that feedback has been considered and properly and reasonably provided for.

Handout from the Village Information Event  2 May 2017

Please note that this information may change following feedback received from 2nd May and future discussions with Babergh DC planning team.

Why a Scheme:

Scheme developed following: Local Housing Needs Survey 2010 – need for 12 + affordable homes

¨ Cockfield Village Growth & Development Survey – 50 to 100 homes

¨ Opportunity to ensure the long term sustainability of Cockfield by enabling a range of local people to remain living within the local community and supporting existing local businesses and services such as the school, post office, Church and local groups, together with improved and enhanced open space and links between various parts of the village

The Scheme:

¨ Partnership working between Cockfield PC, Suffolk CC, Babergh DC & Orwell Housing Association

¨ A 1.8 hectare/4.4479 acre site owned by Suffolk County Council

¨ The extent and shape of the development site is as required by BDC

¨ planners

¨ Proposal for 52 homes designed to meet the housing needs of Cockfield parish

¨ Community open space – allotments/orchard/children’s play area

¨ Extended 40 mph speed limit along Lavenham Road

¨ Improved visibility splay benefiting residents of Mackenzie Place & Crowbrook Road

¨ Community benefits for local businesses/employment, existing services and linkages between various parts of the village

Tenures include:

¨ Affordable rented homes – let at up to 80% of open market rents – restricted to local people – Orwell HA

¨ Shared Ownership/discounted market homes – to be decided once need clarified

¨ First-time buyer market sale homes – providing smaller and therefore more affordable homes to buy

¨ Bungalows for downsizers – to enable local owners to remain local and live in more manageable accommodation

¨ Smaller self-build plots – to attract people seeking to get on the housing ladder

¨ Larger self-build plots –  to meet government and county/district policy to make land available to self-builders

¨ Semi-detached homes – providing more affordable larger open market homes

¨ Larger homes for open market sale – provides funding support to the affordable homes

Housing Register:

¨ Those interested in affordable housing need to register on

Babergh’s Gateway to Homechoice system


¨ Village Information Event – 2.5.17

¨ Planning application – To be submitted once Cockfield Parish

Council is happy with the proposed scheme

¨ Development 2018 – subject to planning approval

Reminder from the Parish Council Local Needs Housing

Cockfield Parish Council continues to work with Babergh District Council on Local Needs Housing provision within Cockfield.

To support the last Local Needs Housing Survey we have been asked by Babergh District Council to remind people who have a need that they require to be properly registered with Babergh District Council. This would include residents of Cockfield people working in the Parish or locality or those with a connection to the village.

You can register on line at or phone Louise Benedetti or one of her team on 01449 724865

For further information of if you have any questions please contact:

Parish Councillor Alan Morgan on 01284 828072



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