Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Cockfield Memories 1960 – 2000

As a follow up to Cockfield Memories 1920 – 1960 we are starting to collect material for the years 1960 -2000 for publication in November 2019.

There is money ring-fenced for printing a follow-up.

There were many memorable occasions and achievements in Cockfield in that era and it is important that they are recorded for future generations.

SO PLEASE PLEASE if you have any photographs, stories, anecdotes etc do let us know.

Or if you know of people who have left the village but might be able to help do also let us know.

If you don’t feel able to write about it yourself please tell us and we will be happy to collate your knowledge and memory into an article.

Finally if there is anybody who would like to be involved in the publication we would be delighted to know.

Ann Green

Barbara Ruffell

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